Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cone Head

Today my baby/puppy got neutered. I had to drop him off this morning at 7am and I couldn't pick him up until 5pm. It was so weird not having him in my house for so long. The surgery went well and they said Charlie did great which of course I knew he would. He is my puppy!!

I finally picked him up at 5pm and I have never seen him so pathetic!! He was just limp and cuddled up on my neck. He didn't lick or really even wag his tail. It was so sad. If I didn't feel guilty before I sure did then!!

I held him in my lap and we went over to Grammie house. She had been asking about him so I thought I would let her see him. He was still pretty cuddly but eventually got a little more active.

I got him home and he became very tired again but started getting courious about his incision so I had to put on the cone......he hates it!!!! All he does is cry while it's on. I feel so bad!!!
Yes, he is still kind of drugged up but he is VERY sad when he has this on. He hates it!!! I think he looks kind of cute!!
Here is a side view of the cool yellow cone. It's funny when he has it on he is totally still. He doesn't move. It's like he can't see where he is going so he just stays put. Umm....he has to wear this for 10 days so how I hope he gets use to it otherwise I will have a statue/puppy!
Here he is just sitting there hoping I will take it off. Look at that sad little face!!! : (
Sorry Charlie the Doctor says it has to stay on for 10 days so get use to it. I promise I will buy you a special boy treat in 10 days when you can be a normally puppy again!!! Hang in there buddy!!
More to come


Allie said...

He is so cute! I hope he's feeling better this morning! They rebound pretty fast so I am sure he will be back to his old self in no time!

LB said...

Yes, he is doing much better today. Our only issue now is he wont leave the incision alone so he has to wear that cone and he hates it! I feel so bad for him. He has to go 10 days with that damn thing!

poo head said...

I think I called you sucker before. Charlie knows how to play you!!!!! Remember, he's the dog you're the master.

He is super cute w/ the cone. He should realize that! Thanks for the pics.

LB said...

Yes, I am a sucker when it comes to Charlie but I was very proud of myself last night. I tried letting him sleep without the cone but he went straight for the balls so he had the cone on all night. Yes, he cried and cried but I ignored him as it was for his own good. Then he went to sleep. Today he has it off but if keeps messing with his incision it will be back on! The Master is back in control!!!

C Brown said...

You can't help but feel guilty when they are all druged up and sad looking. I understand Lindsay I remeber how chloe was.

He does look super cute with the cone on.

Stacey said...

Ummm, you shouldn't feel guilty for doing something that needed to get done. Just like parents don't feel guilty that they had to take their child to get shots. They may feel bad, but not guilty.

Does his cone go with his halloween costume?

LB said...

No the cone will not be part of the Halloween costume!!