Friday, January 1, 2010


This year the family was so good that Santa decided to send us all to Disneyland for New Years! We were all so excited and looking forward to our five days at the Happiest Place on Earth! I swear I think I could go to Disneyland everyday and still find it magical. There is just something about this place. However, five days was all we had so I was ready to go!!!!
Here are some photos from my trip sorry there are so many!

Sleeping Beauty's castle during the day.
Sleeping Beauty's castle during the night! I love how they have they lights!!
Courtney and Devyn with the Evil Queen

Mom, Randy, and Devyn leaving Pinocchio. Group shot in front of the castle.

Here are all my parents! I'm very lucky that my parents and their new spouses get along so well. It makes family vacations much more enjoyable!! Thanks guys for being adults!!

Cameron, Devyn, and me taking a picture in front of the Chip and Dale statue!!

The man who made Disneyland a reality. Thanks Walt and your little friend Mickey!!Courtney, Stephanie, Lara, and Devyn hanging out in Critter Country after the Winnie the Pooh ride!!

Here we are on the Haunted Mansion ride. It's funny I was taking photos on the ride when all of a sudden there was an announcement to stop taking pictures with a flash. bad! Dad started laughing at me! Kind of embarrassing getting in trouble by the Disneyland staff!!

Steph and Cameron taking a Mommy and Son moment


Mom, Randy, and Courtney in Downtown Disney

Lara, Dad, and Devyn grabbing a seat before hitting Disneyland.

Lara and Courtney on Dumbo!!

Matterhorn family style!!! Hang on Devyn!!

Self-taken photo while we wait to right Autopia

Mom and Randy in line for the Toy Story ride. BTW the glasses are because it's in the 3D. They are not trying to make a fashion statement.

Even rain can't keep us from going to the park!! We love Disneyland that much!! I do love this picture of Grammie, Boompa, and Cameron walking hand in hand after a long morning at California Adventure.

Yep, it's L for Lindsay !!!

Lara, Devyn and Cameron stopping for a photo break!

Waiting for the Alice in Wonderland ride.

Mom had to go on the teacups with the kids which means I had to go again. Hold on tummy!!

Loving it's a small world!!!

Annual Disneyland Group Photo!! HAPPY 2010!!!!!

Courtney had one too many corn dogs and churros and she fell over!! J/K!!! She was just resting while she could!!
Mom taking a photo with the kids before she headed back to the hotel. Mom got a cold while we were at Disneyland. She did her best to keep up with everyone but New Year's Eve was just too long of a day for her and it was very cold so she headed back to the hotel a few hours before 12pm. Sorry Mom. Feel better!!
Stephanie and Cameron getting ready for the New Year!!
Courtney and Devyn blowing their own horns!!
Dad, Lara and Devyn taking their New Year's Eve photo in front of It's a Small World....way in the back.
Dad and his girls on New Years Eve

Fireworks from the Disneyland New Year celebration!! Happy New Year!!!
Who doesn't love Pooh bear????
Courtney and her BFF Eeyore!!! She missed him last year so this got her 2010 off to a good start!!
Ok, funny story here. Cameron wanted to go on this ride but none of us did so I made a comment that Cameron should just go by himself. Cameron walked over to the ride and the line was short so I said "he should just go." Well us girls went to the bathroom thinking Cameron was with us and Randy went to get churros. Courtney and I come out of the bathroom and I ask where Cameron is??? Courtney and I start to get worried looking for him we run over to the canoe ride (they are right by the bathroom) and we see Cameron with his paddle getting ready to go on the ride ALONE!!! I yell to Cameron "what are you doing?" He said "going on the said I could." Opps!!! Did I really tell him that?? Steph comes out and is like what is he doing?? Courtney jumps over the rope and says she will go with him so he is not alone. It was so funny!! Had we been in the bathroom even 2 minutes longer Cameron would have taken off in his canoe with NO ONE knowing what he did!! Has there ever been a Code Adam at Disneyland?? Glad we didn't have to find out. Here is Courtney and Cameron in the canoe.

Devyn and me waiting for the Rockets.
Cameron and Devyn before they went on the Rockets as solo flyer's. Gosh, the kids are getting so big now that they want to go on rides least certain rides.

As everyone knows my Step Grandpa passed away this last year on March 17th. Before he died he told my Grandma that when he got better he wanted to go to Disneyland. Well he never made it. He passed away before he could go. However, to make his request a reality my Mom carried a small portion of Ron's ashes with her on all our rides over the five days we were there. Before we left on Friday Mom poured Ron's ashes right here in the front enterance to Disneyland. In the photo below Mom is actually pouring out the ashes. Now Ron will always be at Disneyland....the happiest place on earth!!!

Disneyland was a great time as always!! Even with rain and illness we all still managed to have a good time as a family and I'm looking forward to next year. Assuming Santa sends us again!!

More to come


poo head said...

Looks like fun! LB I love your purple scarf and hat!

LB said...

Thanks Alyssa! I love it too!!

C Brown said...

Can we go back tomorrow lol. Its always sad to leave at least Disneyland will always have a piece of our family with it.

Stacey said...

The picture of Courtney laying on the ground is hilarious!!!!

Lara said...

Good trip!
It was nice to watch Cay leave Ron with Mickey. Very touching.
Dev cried - literally - our entire walk out the last night! :(

BTW, have you seen all that's coming to Cal Adv in the next couple yrs???!! Besides the water show, an 'under the sea' little mermaid attraction/ride - under the water! New swings. A new front entrance and main street area. And... CARS LAND!! with Radiator Springs Racers! OMG looks soooo cool! Can't wait!