Monday, October 27, 2008

Delirious and Dinosaurs.

OK, so we are heading home from LA and we are exhausted. I mean you have to remember we only had about 4 hours of sleep and then we were screaming and shouting it felt like for six hours straight. I think that is why I'm not a peppy person. It's so tiresome!! : )

Anyways, we decided to stop for food and gas in Tonopah(I think....). Not realizing the exit I got off on we had only the choice of Burger King or Spanky BBQ (which looked closed) so you guessed it we had BK. It was kind of a downer until we realized what else was at this exit.....yep, the dinosaur park! I have always wanted to stop here and I never do. Well, this time we did, even if was by accident. Here we are having some delirious dinosaur fun!!

Who knew the T-Rex could be so go Steph!!!
Yeah, nothing sexy about this one. Just trying to avoid hitting my head on the teeth!
Here is Courtney and Alyssa.....apparently Courtney still thinks she is on TV with her cute little pose there!
Here is our group shot......and yes before you ask we were the ONLY people at the dinosaur park! I think it's cause it was late and not because it was lame or at least that is what I'm telling myself!

However, after all the fun the shots it began to get dark and scary......did you hear something???
Looks like Steph and Courtney thought the dinosaurs were alive or maybe there Forest run!!!!
HA HA just kidding this is Steph and Courtney acting for their Next Top Model Portfolio. The "acting" part in the photo shoots. I think they have a real chance next season. Court make sure to add your Price is Right appearance to your head shot/resume!
I did say we were tired and slightly delirious at this point in the day but hey it was a fun 15 minutes we had at the dinosaur park so it was all worth it! Back to the car now to head home!!
More to come!


poo head said...

I am CRACKING UP right now. It never occurred to me until just now that the dinosaurs were so exciting due to our exhaustion. Makes so much sense now. LMAO. So funny.

LB said...

It's crazy what is entertaining to you when you have had no sleep!! I mean I think either way it would have been fun just because we are fun gals but I think there was a little more to it this time!! : )

C Brown said...

I think those pic should so go on grandma's frame. The whole thing is funny cause we pass by that all the time. I think it was fate that we finally stopped there.