Saturday, October 25, 2008

I rushed home for this???

Today was an ASU game so as a season ticket holder I wanted to get home for the game. This meant Jenny and I were up at 7am to drive home from Yosemite and straight to the airport in SF to drop me off to catch my 1pm flight home. I arrived to the airport 45 minutes before my flight left. I rushed through security and ran to my gate. I got my boarding pass and it was off to the plane. Steph was picking me up once I landed and then it was off to my Grandma's house to head out for the tailgate. I hurried off the plane and hustled through the airport to met Steph outside. I jump in car and we are off! We get to Grandma's right at 3:30pm and then we head out to the game. All is great...until the game starts! ASU proceeded to play like a Pop Warner team and they got their BUTT KICKED!!! It was so bad we left before the 3rd quarter was even over!! PATHETIC!!!!

All I could think was why did I rush home to watch this crappy game??? ASU you need to get your act together or I will consult with my season ticket partner on whether we will continue to be season ticket holders!

More to come!


poo head said...

I cannot believe you all left so early! That is crazy and proves how badly they played.

Tailgating is so fun though!

Stacey said...

I talked to my boss today about the game, mind you he is a UofA fan, and I told him about everyone is starting to second guess whether they want to get season tickets next year. And his response was "just like ASU fans, only fans when they are winning." So I think we all need to keep our season tickets going just to prove UofA fans wrong......

Also, I have learned that I need to educate myself more about the game. I don't need to be distracted by the band and my dreams of playing the cymbals (i learned how to spell it.) I can't sit with my dad or my brother until I learn more about the game. Mindi is a strong woman.