Friday, October 24, 2008

No Pain No Gain

SIDEBAR-Isn't it funny that when you have a bathroom available to you that you never have to use it but once it on the other side of a camp site and it's dark you have to go all the time!!! Why is that??? Needless to say Jenny and I got a semi-decent night of sleep with the exception of having to pee all night but not wanting to go outside to do it! No more beverages after 8pm!

Anyways, we were up and at it around 9am so that we could start hiking before it got to warm outside. Our plan was to hike the Mist Trail which is a trail with two different waterfalls. Unfortunately, there was not much water coming down the falls due to the time of year. If you really want to see the falls in action you need to visit during the summer...just an FYI. However, I didn't care I really just wanted to see more of the sites and possibly see some more wildlife out in the forest.
Here some more photos as we began our hike.
This is the other side of half dome. More black and white....Ansel Adams inspired.
The great sequoia trees the surrounded the campsite.
The road we took to get the trail. Doesn't it look so cool???
I also hoped to see some other animals during my hike but all we saw were a bunch of little squirrels that just wanted food. I mean there are so darn cute but since you can't feed them we just stared for a bit and kept walking. My hope of seeing a bear or a fox was not realized on this trip to Yosemite
Cute huh??
This one was eating a nut....I think....
As we began the hike jenny warns me that it's a little steep at the beginning and that it's not that bad. Now maybe I should have done just a little cardio to get myself ready for this trip because I just about died at least ten different times on this hike!! Now, this was not just a basic hike either so it's not like I was being a total baby. We hiked over seven miles round trip and we climbed up over 5000 ft! We got to the top of the one waterfall and we got to just sit up there and relax or in my case catch my breath!! It was so peaceful up there. All you heard was the water from the falls and the trickle of the near by stream. It was a very serene place to just sit. It made the pain and suffering from the hike all worth it!

Here I am on one of the many breaks I had to take along the way....sorry Jenny! : )
This is a view from the top of the falls. Notice the trail way down at the bottom on the left. That is part of what we hiked up! We began way back in all those trees! Sympathy...I want some sympathy and support people! You can also see some people sitting on some rocks on the bottom if you look carefully.
Jenny and me at the top of the falls.
Another view from the top of the falls.
More artistic photos of the falls that I took.
This is the entire falls which is really a drizzle compared to what it normally looks like (per Jenny).
Here it is in color. Jenny and I at the bottom of the falls after we were almost done with the hike. This was to document that I lived!!! : )

After our long hike we grabbed some lunch and then it was off to the cabin to relax. We both showered and took a short little nap. Once we got up and moving again we decided it was time to go eat dinner before our Night Prowl tour started at 8pm. We ate some AWESOME pizza and had some yummy hot chocolate to warm us up. After dinner it was off to the Night Prowl tour. Now, this sounds cooler then it really me. Basically, all we did was go out into this open area in the forest in the pitch dark to try to get more familiar with our night vision and other senses such as smell and hearing. It was pretty lame but on the flip side it was a beautiful night. There are so many stars that could be seen from Yosemite it was INCREDIBLE! I think we saw at least three different shoot stars in that hour!! I had never seen a shooting star before so that made the whole tour worth it to me and as for my night sucks...along with my day vision!! : )

Once the tour was over we headed back to our cabin for bed. Now, one thing I didn't mention earlier was that I brought the book Twilight for Jenny to read. She laughed that it was a "young adult" book but I warned her she would love it if she started it. She read during dinner and almost all night. I think she finally put the book down around 1am Saturday morning. I told her it was addicting!! However, I was happy to see she liked....I had warned her earlier that if she didn't we might have to break-up but that was just an idle threat because I knew she would love it! I even gave her my copy of Twilight to keep so she could finish reading it. I told her to keep it and to pay it forward by encouraging someone else to read the book. : )

In the end Yosemite was a great time and I had so much fun! Jenny, thank you for taking time off work to hang out with me on my sabbatical. It was a lot of fun and I'm ready to go back (maybe when it's not so cold so you don't freeze). Just let me work on my cardio and I'll be there!! : )
More to come!


poo head said...

The hike sounds awesome! Any room for tag alongs next time? LOL The pics are really great and that trail looks crazy.

Good work Lindsay!

Mom said...

I went to Yosemite when I was 14 - no need to calculate and figure out how long ago that was - and it's nice to know it's still as breathtaking now as it was then. It was so awesome - I'm glad you found it to be the same! The pictures were great - Ansel Jr.!

Shannon said...

Hi Linds! I love your blog, it is the perfect way to avoid work every once in a while! Love the pics of Yosemite too, glad you and Jenny had a great time, and didn't see any bears! Wanted to let you know I started reading Twilight last night because of all your blogging excitement over it. I'll let you know how it goes once I really get into it!

Stacey said...

Adam's sister loves squirrels, and you know what is funny? Once you get associated with squirrels you hear about them all the time. Target has pajamas with squirrels on them. How many times could I say the freakn' word squirrels????

LB said...

Shannon I'm so happy you are reading Twilight. It's the best book series EVER! Jenny finished it in not even a full 24 hours and she loved it so I know you will too! I can't wait for you to finish it so we can chat about it!! Call me when you are done!

LB said...

Thanks Mom. I felt a little Ansel like or so I tried! It is still very beautiful as you can tell so nice to see not much has changed. I never you knew you went there before!

Stacey the squirrels are cute but not sure I would go as far as to buy PJ's with them on it! They are little beggers and can get annoying after a while but they are cute beggers!