Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The votes are in.....

Thank you to everyone that sent me suggestions for my next destination trip. They were all great ideas and most of them are places I actually wanted to go so that was great! Like I said the results are in and I picked three places (just because I am dependent on flights so I need a small variety to pick from) and the winners are.......

1. Iowa (dad are you coming with me???)
2. Cancun (Steph's pick but she didn't post it so not sure I should count it. Can I get a witness?? Sorry guys this is PIR humor)
3. Hawaii

I am looking today for flights so we will see where I end up!

BTW....Devyn I have been to Hollywood twice on my sabbatical and that darn Miley is never around. Trust me I will keep looking for her and if I have to me and you can go and hang out in front of the Disney studio. I mean she has to come out right??? : )

Thanks again for all the great ideas.

More to come


C Brown said...

I think you should go to Hawaii go some place you have never been. thats what I think.

LB said...

I plan to go to Iowa and Hawaii at this point and if I can add in Mexico I will but I might have to save that one for next year. I thought we were renting an RV to camp on the beach in Mexico next year!! Right??? I'm already doing price quotes online for a full size RV! I'm driving!! : )

poo head said...

Ooooooo the RV, as if I would let you forget that one!!!!!!

Camping on the beach, cerveza, shrimp tacos. SO FUN!

Lara said...

You did not see Miley! Oh well.Did you go to Mississippi? I can still spell it! :)hahahahaha.

Mom said...

Woo hoo! Hawaii here you come!

LB said...

Sorry Devyn no Mississippi this time. I think Memphis was about as far south as I want to go at this time! : )

AlohaGoJo said...

I was also going to mention Cancun since we were just there... if you go, you HAVE to do the zip line tour. It was so much fun! I would recommend an all inclusive hotel because it's the best way to go.

LB said...

Yeah, the zip line looked like a lot of fun. I will have to look into that if I go. Not sure I have time to do it on my sabbatical but I can still add it to my list of things to do!