Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I arrived to Hawaii (island of Oahu) late this afternoon. I went to pick up my rental car at Alamo. Once I got all checked in they told me to go outside to get my actual car. I mean I got the cheap economy car so I was expecting a little Hyundai. The lady outside asked if it was just me and I said yes. She then offered me a FREE upgrade to a convertible if I wanted it!!! Ummm.....let me think about that one....YES, I want it!! THANKS ALAMO OF HAWAII!!!
Here I am in my car!!! Let the fun begin!!
It was awesome!! First off I have never driven a convertible (well expect for my friend Denise's car when she was too drunk to drive) and to have one in Hawaii was just perfect! I put the top down and I was off to the hostel. I arrived to the hostel and checked in. They offered free parking which is huge in Hawaii. Now this hostel was not bad at all. I had one roommate who was an older women and she was very friendly. Sorry I didn't take any photos inside my room. I forgot. Here is the outside of the hostel. I was on the third floor....that is like the penthouse suite in the hostel world! NOT!!!
I unpacked and I was off to the beach to watch the sunset. The hostel is LITERALLY around the corner from the beach so for $23 a day it was a steal!!! I mean it's all about location in Hawaii and this place was so close to everything. I highly recommend it!!
The beaches of Waikiki were beautiful!! The water was so pretty and the sunset looked like something you would see in a movie. I just stood there and took it all in.
Here is the sun setting. I was just waiting to see that couple come running down the beach holding hands. Then I would trip them!! : )
Yes, like always the self-taken photo.
The water was so nice that people stay in it even when the sun goes down. Crazy people. I guess they never saw JAWS!
This was the first picture I took when I got to the beach. The water was so blue it reminded me of the beaches I saw on my cruise a few years ago. I loved it!!
After about an hour I walked over to this grassy area and watched a free hula show that is put on every night right there on the beach. It was very cool.
Here is one of the younger girls dancing. I think it's a group from a dance company that comes to perform.
This was the band that played during the show. The guy in the middle would explain each dance as it happened. It was cool.
More hula
Here is some video I shot of the hula show. Sorry if it's bumping I never said I was a cinematographer!

By the time it was over I was starving and tired. I grabbed a bite to eat and I was off to bed. I had a busy day planned for tomorrow and I had to get up early. I needed to be out at Pearl Harbor by 7am and since I had no idea how to get there I had to get up early to give me plenty of time to figure out my sense of direction. I mean it's a island how hard can it be!!
More to come

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Very exciting!!! I guess is pays to travel alone, you get all the upgrades....I can't wait to read more....