Monday, November 17, 2008

Black Monday

Yes, it is official my sabbatical is OVER!!! It's weird because even though I LOVED not having to go to work each day I was kind of ready to come back. I think having this last week at home made a small and I mean small part of me miss it. I know. There is something wrong with me!

So Sunday night after the Suns game I came home and got all ready for work the next day. I had done laundry and was ready to go to bed early. I needed to get a good nights sleep. I felt like it was my first day of school. The alarm was set and now it was time for bed. Only I couldn't sleep. Not sure what my problem was but I didn't fall asleep until like 2am!! Great way to start your first day back....loser!

After my four hour nap I was up and ready to get in the shower and start my day. Even though I was dragging I was excited to get to the office. I mean I get FREE soda at work so I was ready to fill my jug! INTEL HERE I COME!!!

I get to work and get my soda and I head upstairs. I was walking down my aisle and I notice some streamers and balloons at a desk. Then I noticed it was my desk! As I approached my desk I noticed my cube wall. My co-workers and boss had decorated my cube and document my whole sabbatical from my blog and made posters and put them up on my wall. It was SOOOO NICE!!!

This is the wall right next to my cube entrance (and yes I live in a cube we don't get offices like some people....Alyssa!). I love the sign! I have it hanging inside my cube just cause it's so cute!!
Here is my desk. I had to limbo to get to my chair. How low can you go!!
These are my balloons. It was funny one said "Welcome Home." Ummm...not sure I like that one!
They had also gotten me a 2009 calendar of different islands as you can see and this fun Hawaiian cup with some cool crazy straws! So now I can look at the islands and drink soda from my cup while I work.

My welcome back sign on my board with fun pink streamers!!
Oh, yeah and I got a cool little dolphin centerpiece there! Notice the theme!!
This was my sabbatical timeline. It started with my first trip to Hollywood and ended with my last trip to Hawaii. It was so cool to see it like that. I kept it up all day so people could come by and read it! Then I took it down so I could put it in a scrapbook!!
I really didn't expect anything when I got back to work (I was just happy to still have a job given the economy) so this was a very pleasant surprise. It was really awesome to see my sabbatical documented that way. I'm so use to just blogging about it I forgot all that I had really done! I would like to say thank you to my co-workers Amanda and KS and to my boss Jim for greeting me with such a warm welcome!!! It was nice to feel missed!!!

Now, yes my sabbatical is over but I have more things coming up so I plan to continue my blog. You are all welcome to keep following along if you would like.

More to come!


poo head said...

That is so awesome! What a way to make black monday not so blah!

In these rough times, how can Intel possibly afford to give away soda lol

poo head said...

One last thing, I love making the blog sooooo did I make any of the print outs on your cubicle wall? I need to know exactly how much exposure I got.

LB said...

OK, first off I'm totally laugh out loud at my desk right now!! You are so funny!!

After reviewing my print outs you are in the following trips:
1. MM 4 pictures (includes the one of you and Andy on the ride)
2. PIR 3 pictures (the one of you sleeping on the sidewalk was one of them!)

That was all you did with me but I think that is really good. If it makes you feel better Stacey was not in any of them! : ) Sorry Stacey!

P.S. Don't hate on my free soda with my luck they will take that way too!!

poo head said...

Obviously those were your best trips so I'm glad I was tagging along!

P.S. I got nothin but love for the soda!!

Stacey said...

I am glad I made it on the blog....