Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Let me just say this was the LONGEST DAY EVER!!! I'm not complaining at all it just seemed like this day was never ending! It began at the Twilight movie where at the stroke of midnight my group of friends/family sang Happy Birthday to me. It was a short and sweet celebration and I got my first present! A box of whoppers! Thanks Lara!!! After the movie I hustled home so I could try to nap because in a few short hours it was off to VEGAS!! Now the trip was not just for my Birthday, it was also my sister Courtney's first time in Vegas. Yes, I know she is 28 years old and this is her first Vegas trip! Sad I know.

After a few hours of sleep it was off to the airport. Here is me, Steph and Court on our flight to Vegas!! Here we come!!
My cousin Alyssa and our friend Alyssa were flying on another airline so they weren't in my picture. Too bad for them!! Stacey had to work that day so she was meeting up with us later that evening. We arrived around 10am to Vegas and it was off to hit the strip and the bar!
Here we are out in front of the hotel. I didn't get the memo on wearing black but it was my b-day so I wanted to stand out!!
Drinking at Paris. Courtney has her first yard drink! She was excited to walk the strip with her drink in her hand!
You don't want to know what I had to do to get these beads!!!
We walked the strip a bit more and had a few drinks along the way and then we came upon a O'Sheas. They had beer pong tables in the back so we decided to play a few rounds
Here is Alyssa concentrating on her shot.
Alyssa and Courtney partnered up and kicked mine and Steph's butt in the first round!
However, I finally had a comeback and Courtney and I won the last two rounds!! We are the champions!
It's not a birthday celebration without a few shots. Thanks Stephanie!!!
Before we left we wanted to capture the moment and yes Alyssa has the ball in her mouth so if you can't tell we are drunk at this point!! Yep, 3:00pm and wasted already!!! Fun times!

Since we were starving we decided to walk over to Harrah's outdoor carnival area and grab a bite to eat and listen to some music. Little did I know that included me singing and Courtney, Stephanie, and Alyssa out there on the dance floor with these gross old men! It was so funny!!

I have no idea why I was up there singing but I do know they asked ladies to come up there and sing I Will Survive and I love that song so with a little liquid courage I hit the stage!
Courtney and Alyssa hitting the dance floor. Shake your booty!!!!
Ummm....I did mention gross old guys right??? In Alyssa's defense he just came up behind least I hope that is what happened!! : )
We decided to walk back to the hotel for some dinner and a nap before Stacey arrived. Once Stacey got there we were up and at them and ready to go for round two. We went to the club Rok located in New York New York. I mean we got free passes so we figured why not.

Here is the whole Vegas crew finally together!
It was fun and as you can tell Stacey was getting her groove on here!!
We danced for a while but then decided to go to the Piano Bar instead. We drank more and gambled a little and just had a great time. It was an awesome birthday and I had a lot of fun!!

The next morning we ate at the Chinese buffet Chin Chin and then it was off to the airport. We don't look too bad after a solid 24 hours in Vegas. Right??? : ) BTW please excuse Stacey and her chowing down on bacon. If you read her blog you will see that the bacon won in the end!!!
It was a quick Vegas trip but it was so much fun! Thank you Alyssa, Alyssa, Courtney Stephanie and Stacey for making my birthday so special and fun!!! You guys are the best!!

More to come


C Brown said...

Thanks Linds for planning the trip I had alot of fun and it was great to be there for the first time with my awesome sisters and great cousins ( plus friend Alyssa).

LB said...

I'm glad you had a good time. Next time we go we get one room and EVERYONE arrives at the same time! I'm ready for a beer bong rematch!! : )

C Brown said...

We kicked butt at some beer pong

poo head said...

So much fun, I don't even know what to comment...

poo head said...

Oh wait, I got one....

Where's Stephanie?

kaa kaa..

kaa kaa...

Oh there she is!

LB said...

We need to go again soon!!! I will look for some bargains! : )

Stacey said...

If you look at the picture with ALyssa, Courtney and the singer, the singer's head covers Alyssa's!!!! Can you believe it!!!

Lyss said...

So much fun! Thanks for letting me tag along!! I am ready for more beer pong!!