Saturday, November 8, 2008

Look Whose Coming To Hawaii

As I stated in my last blog I had to stay in Hawaii for an extra day due to the flight being oversold. I had no idea what to do that day so I figured I would just hang out at the hotel for a bit and then later head over to the beach. I do have to say after staying in a hostel for the last few days it was nice to be in a hotel room by MYSELF and not have to worry or deal with other people.

After having a nice lunch at a little restaurant by the hotel I decided to head over to the beach to relax and have a drink. It was so nice to just sit there and just soak in the peacefulness of it all.

As I looked over my shoulder I noticed these two people calling my name searching for me. Look who it was!!!! Stephanie and Cameron!!!

I'm just kidding!! They flew out to Hawaii just for the DAY to hang out with me!!! How awesome is that to make Hawaii a day trip!! Since this was also their first time to Hawaii and we didn't have much time left we decided to just hangout at the beach the rest of the day.

Cameron here was determined to find some sea shells but as I told him before there really aren't any shells on this beach. All I found were a bunch of little rocks! Doesn't he look so cute there in his little bathing suit!! : )
I had to capture the moment of us three in Hawaii. Here we are at the Waikiki beach. It was GREAT having some family there with me!!!
I had to capture this moment as it took us about 45 minutes to convince Cameron to go that deep into the water. He only wanted to let it hit his feet get wet but once he was in he was hooked!! He was out there wave jumping and having a wonderful time!!
Hang loose Steph and Cameron!!!

After the beach I took Steph and Cameron to the nightly hula show on the beach at Waikiki. Cameron saw this guy blowing in this sea shell and he said "I want to learn how to do that!" It was so cute. You will all be notified of when Cameron will be doing his sea shell blowing concert! : )
Here is Cameron taking in the hula show and the girls shaking them hips!!!
After the hula show we were hungry so it was off to Senor Frogs for dinner. This place is crazy! It was like eating dinner at a club!! There was loud music, dancing, and drinks! A great time!! Here we are with our balloon hats!! Jealous aren't you!! : )

After dinner we did a little more shopping and then it was off to the airport to fly home. It was a great day! Thanks again to my wonderful sister Stephanie and Cameron for flying out just for the day to enjoy Hawaii with me! We had a blast and we will have to do it again really soon....but you guys need to stay longer then 8 hours! : )
More to come!


poo head said...

What a fun way to end your great trip! Did Steph dunk Cameron in that one photo? LOL

LB said...

Yeah, right! He would have been so mad at her! :)

Mom said...

I'm so glad I convinced Steph to go to Hawaii! It's nice to know my children, old as they are, still listen to Mom! Maybe next time I can go too! Hmmm..if I retire now,... I'll be broke!!