Friday, November 14, 2008

Time for some Soup!!

Tonight a group of us went to go see Joel McHale at Celebrity. He is the host of The Soup on Channel E and he is so funny!! Very sarcastic which is my favorite type of humor!!
The group of us consisted of Courtney, Katie, Stephanie, Alyssa, Andy, Stacey, Adam, Lauren and Toby.

Before the show we decided to grab a bite to eat so we decided to pick the elegant Knock Knead Lobster! Now, for those of you not familiar with this place it's a higher class Pete's Fish n' Chips (even though I prefer Pete's). There is nothing like some good ole' greasy food before sitting at a comedy show!! :)

Here we all are at dinner. Fancy huh???Katie's sister and friend (at the back of the table) joined us for some good fried food. Stacey, Adam, Lauren and Toby didn't join us for dinner. They had a nice dinner at home to celebrate Lauren's B-day! Happy B-day Lauren!!

What is an outing without the self-taken photo. I normally only have to worry about getting myself in the photo not nine other people!! I did the best I could but with little jokers like Stacey and Andy in the photo it was hard to get a good one. I also have no idea what happened to Adam in this picture. Adam are you there???
I finally asked the guy sitting in front of me to take our group picture. Don't we look cute??
Before the show I decided to run to the bathroom so I left my camera with Stephanie. Ummm...apparently they decided to have a photo shoot while I was gone. Check it out....
Here is Sam and Lindsay.....opps I mean Courtney and Katie! : )
No idea what the heck they are doing here! I think Adam was talking on his "cell phone" I'm not sure.

After a hilarious opening act Joel came out and put on a great show! He performed for about an hour and half and he cracked us all up!
Here are a few photos from the show.
On a side note....Joel has no ASS!!! His jeans just hung there but he is still funny-ass or no ass!!

Once the show was over Joel said he would be doing autographs and pictures for those people buying shirts. Well I didn't need a shirt so we all decided to just leave. On the way out the door he was walking in so I asked if I could take a picture of him and he said "would you like to get in it with me?" Ummm...yeah of course I would. I had the camera to Courtney and she tries to take a picture and it wouldn't flash! Joel was like gotta go and cried "NO" I will fix it. His security guy was like "it's cool I will get you a picture." So I get my camera and turn the flash back on and I hand it to Stephanie. I was all smiles but I guess Joel was not be the judge.....
Then Joel being the nice guy he is offered to take one with Steph. Funny how AWESOME her photo turned out!! : )
I'm kidding. It was a great night and we all had a lot of fun and I got to TOUCH Joel McHale!!! Now, this was not just a funny show. I also learned how to sign a few words such as "highlights" and "big dick rocket launcher!! : )

More to come


poo head said...

Gosh, who is that photogenic girl that was w/ you in every photo? You're lucky she was there!

poo head said...

It was great! Good idea for all of us to go!

poo head said...

BTW, I CRACKED UP at your Sam and Lindsay comment. So funny!

C Brown said...

Yeah the sam and Lindsay comments are so funny. Jerk!!! just kidding its all good. It was a great night with lots of laughs. He was to funny.

LB said...

Yes, it was a great time! I was wondering if anyone would comment on the Sam and Linday comment. It's funny my Mom read this and didn't even make a comment....I guess she already knows about Courtney and her "special friend" !! : )

I can't wait for Chelsea!!!

Mom said...

Hmmm... which one is Sam and which is Lindsay?? The group photo looks like you captured all of the usual suspects! Too fun!

By the way, tell Stacey to beware -I'm stalking her blog!! Tee hee hee!!