Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Premiere

As I stated in my last entry a group of over 20 of us went to the midnight showing of Twilight. I headed over to the theatre around 4pm so that I could get in line to make sure we would have good seats since most of our group wasn't heading up until later. As I sat in line by myself I looked around and noticed that I had to be one of the few people that were over the age of 20! Now, I know this is a young adult book but I felt like I was in line for lunch at a middle school. These girls were writing all over their arms with sayings like "I love Edward" or just "Twilight." Not sure how they thought that would be cool. These girls then decided to make shirts to wear so they busted out the puffy paint! Now I can't hate on wanting to wear a Twilight shirt as I had my Team Edward shirt on but these puffy paint shirts were awful!!! I swear I was not that annoying as a teenager!!! Don't say it MOM I know I wasn't!!! Anyways, I was so annoyed with these girls and how obnoxious they were acting that I had to text Courtney multiple times telling her to hurry up and get here with me or I was going to kill these girls!!

Courtney finally arrived and around 8pm most of our group of 20 was in line with us ready to go. We got in the theatre around 9pm and then we just waited.

Here are a few of us waiting in the theatre. Two hours and counting......
Luckily for us we were in a theatre with the more mature kids because while there was only an occasional hoot or holler when Edward appeared on the screen (Courtney!) for the most part they were quiet and respectful.

Now for my editorial on the movie. I must say I did enjoy it. I LOVE the book more but that is to be expected. I also felt that it was imperative that you read the book before you see the movie just because the movie is kind of choppy and moves quickly. I would have liked to see more of the building of the relationship of Bella and Edward such as what was done in the book but I understand it's hard to capture everything. All in all I liked the movie and I want to see it again because I'm sure I missed a few things ( I mean it was 12am!).
I'm excited to hear that New Moon (second book) has been picked up and will be made into a movie as well. I can't wait for that one! In the mean time I have all four of the books to keep me company along with my imagination that Edward really loves me and is my boyfriend!!! : )

More to come


poo head said...

I liked the movie alot! I agree they did a good job telling the story, the best they could.

Thanks Courtney for getting the tix and thanks Lindsay for waiting in line!

C Brown said...

I like the movie of corse the book was better but it always is. thanks for getting there early.

Stacey said...

Ok, I totally missed this Post when I read your blog here is my comment...I love the books, even though they made me mad. I don't hate Edward, Jacob, Charlie, or Renesme....I don't hate Bella, but I am not happy with her. I enjoyed the movie, but I agree with everyone, the book was better.

And I have the best fiance ever because he is reading the Saga for my Christmas present and we are going to see the movie on Sunday....

LB said...

All I know is I'm addicted to all these damn books and I think I need a 12 step program. I don't know how to move past them. Damn that Stephanie Meyers!!!

I am happy Adam is reading the books too. He can join our book club meetings!!