Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve at Disneyland

New Years Eve is our longest day at the park. We have to get there early in the morning to get lockers to store our jackets and everything because once you are in the park you don't want to leave. Some times the park gets to capacity so if you leave and it fills up you can't get back in!! So we decide to spend the whole day/night there thus making it a very long day.

Here are some photos from New Years Eve.

We are ready to party!! Thanks Mom for the flashing Happy New Year necklaces!! We looked cool!
The kids were taking a quick rest before the clock stroked midnight!!!
Here are my "parents" again! The fog made the picture all spotty.
Is it midnight yet??? Wonder who Courtney is texting???
Mom and her girls bringing in 2009!!
Don't they look cute with their hats on!!
Did you know it snows at Disneyland??? Take a look!
Dad after the snow storm!

More to come in 2009!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Disneyland Recap

Since we were in Disneyland for five days instead of trying to recap each day I decided to just share some photos from the trip. Enjoy!!

Mom and her favorite princess Aurora.

Here we are waiting for Peter Pan. I swear no matter what there is always a long line for this ride but we all love it so we wait.

Mom, Randy, Steph, Courtney and me waiting for the Nemo ride. Don't you love my beanie!! Yeah, Tink!!
Still waiting for Peter Pan but now I get to be in the photo!

Here they are before the water raft ride.

There they are going down the river!!!

The after photo. Not too bad!!

There is Devyn rocking out with the High School Musical 3 cast! Yep, she go pulled up to dance with them and she did an AWESOME JOB!!!
Courtney on the Matterhorn!! Hands up!!!

More to come

Monday, December 29, 2008

And we are off!!

We left for Disneyland at around 7am in the morning on Monday Dec 29th. We all decided to drive...I guess Santa is too cheap to buy us a plane ticket!! I drove in the car with Steph, Courtney, and Cameron. My Mom and Randy were in another car and then Dad, Lara and Devyn were in another one.

Here we are in the car! Disneyland or BUST!!!
The car ride seemed to fly by because we played the game "Would you rather?" This game was lots of fun and made the time go by really fast. Make sure you ask Courtney what she would rather do then to eat sushi......

We got to our hotel around 3pm and got all checked in and unpacked. Once Dad and Lara got there we decided to head down to Downtown Disney so we can walk around and hit up Build-A-Bear (BAB). Santa gave the kids gift cards to the there so that was our first order of business.

Here is the family as we entered Downtown Disney. Aren't they a cute bunch!!!
While we were in line at BAB I fell in love with a bunny and I had to get her. I LOVE HER and she is super soft!! I named her Frances after her mom (which is me) but I call her Franny. She is cute and I had a lot of fun building my bunny!! Now I can see why the kids love to do it!! : )

Check her out below and yes those are fuzzy crocs she is wearing!!! Cute huh??
After building some bears and bunnies we were all hungry so our first order of business was to eat. Here we all are enjoying our first dinner together at Disneyland.
Here are all my "parents" dining together.
Courtney, Stephanie, Cameron and Devyn chillin out at the other end of the table.
Since I was the only one not in a photo my Mom and Courtney jumped in one with me. Thanks guys!
After dinner it was off to hit some rides. Here we are in line for Autopia. The kids were with us too but they were too busy playing to get in our photo. Besides we were having fun!!
After a few rides we all decided we were a little tired so we called it a night because we knew we had four more days to conquer Disneyland and California Adventures!! So it was off to bed with dreams of the magic kingdom in our heads! Gosh, I love this place!!!!

More to come!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

We Are Going To Disneyland!!

Santa said we are all good so he wrote us letters and told us we get to go to Disneyland for five days!!!

Here we all are with our letters!!! DISNEYLAN HERE WE COME!!!

More to come

Christmas #5

This is my final Christmas! I told you it is a lot!! My last Christmas is with my Dad and Lara. We got there around 8pm and then it was presents time!!

Here is the tree at my Dad's house.
Once we were done with our presents it was time for our traditional Christmas dinner which is all our favorite JACK IN THE BOX!!! Yep, you heard me correctly we chow down on some Tacos from Jack In the Box for dinner. It is my FAVORITE Christmas dinner!! I know it's a little out of the ordinary but you can only eat so much ham and turkey!!

After dinner we all decided to do some singing with Devyn's new game Disney Sing. I was so excited because it has all the Miley Cyrus songs so I was ready to rock. Hair and all!!!

Cameron was rockin out on some High School Musical!! Get you head in the game!!

Stephanie is ready for the next Disney movie!! Watch out Ashley Tisdale!!

Courtney was trying to be a 'Rock star" by jammin to some Hannah!! BTW I gave Devyn my hair as the night went on. Doesn't she look cute?? : )
With my Miley hair I was able to rock out and really sing with my girl Miley. I sounded just like her!!! At least that is what I think....

It was a great night and a wonderful way to end Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!!

More to come

Christmas #4

It is Christmas morning and I'm at my Mom's house. We celebrate here with my stepfather Randy and his kids Matthew and Anathea. We all enjoyed a nice lunch together and then we opened presents.

This kid is always trying to be in the photos!! That is the family behind him getting ready for lunch.
Here is Courtney eating some "make believe" food. She is my "special" sister!!
This year we all decided we would cut back on our spending......umm this is my Mom's way of cutting back!!! She is such a kid when it comes to Christmas!! Gotta love her!! : )
In my Mom's defense those are all the gifts including the ones we all brought so she did do good cutting back because there have been years where the little tree is almost hidden!!

The morning was great. We opened gifts and thanks to my Mom and Randy I got the new American Idol 2 so we played that the rest of the afternoon. It was so much fun. Oh, yeah that is until my from God sister Courtney beat me in our American Idol contest! It's MY GAME I was suppose to WIN!!! I think I lost because I took off my Miley hair! Damn it!! Next time the hair stays on!!

Anyways it was a great afternoon. Sorry I don't have more photos. I stopped taking pictures really after Steph's house. I was busy opening gifts and playing.

After this on to Dad's house for the final Christmas!!

More to come

Christmas Wishes do come true!!!

My recent wish has been to have long hair like my favorite singer Miley Cyrus. Well it looks like miracles do happen. Thanks Santa!!!!
I think I even sing better with the hair!!! Because I REALLY AM A ROCKSTAR!!!

More to come

Christmas #3

It has been a family tradition of ours that on Christmas Eve Santa brings us new pajamas. I'm sure it was because Santa wanted us to look nice on Christmas morning!! Now, I don't know why Santa doesn't bring me pajamas anymore but apparently once your in your thirties he stops. It is quite a disappointment. However, Cameron got his new pajamas and he also got a bathrobe. I think he is practicing to be the next Hugh Hefner!!
Look out Girls Next Door!!!
It's Christmas morning and my first stop was at my sister Stephanie's house. Courtney and I have been spending the night on Christmas Eve for the last four years so that we can be there Christmas morning to see all the good stuff Cameron got....assuming he was good. : )
Here is Stephanie and Cameron's tree and fake fireplace!
Here is Steph and Cameron first thing Christmas morning. Cameron is trying not to peek at his presents. How many more pictures.....
Wait make sure you take a picture with Gangster Auntie too..... sweet do we look?? I think Cameron was smiling so big because I was the last photo and then it was time for presents!!!!
Look at all the stuff Santa brought Cameron.....was he really that good????
The excitement of getting what you asked for from Santa is just priceless!!!!
Oh, yeah and some Clone person busted in and took Cameron hostage. It was scary....actually I think it was more those Eeyore pajamas that had us all frightened!!!
Christmas morning was great! Santa brought Cameron everything he asked for and more! I guess he was good. We had a great morning together but today is a busy day. I had to run home so I can show and change because now it's time for Christmas with Mom!!

More to come

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas #2

It's Christmas Eve and we are celebrating Christmas on my Dad's side of the family. This is the Christmas dinner with the yummy peanut brittle and haystacks!! : )
I didn't take any pictures of the tree or all the gifts (I was in a crappy mood so I bad)but I can say there were quite a few. We have several great grand kids on this side of the family so it can be very chaotic. See Shawn becomes a climbing toy. DOG PILE!!!
On this side of the family we do a Christmas drawing and I got the DVD Stepbrothers!! I was so excited!! I can't wait to watch it.....over and over again!!! I will have a viewing party soon so stay tuned for your invite. BTW if you have not seen this movie you HAVE to watch it!! It's one of my favorite movies.

Here is my Step Brothers Public Service Announcement:
The economy sucks. We are losing more and more of our 401k daily. Retirement will never happen for most of us. Don't let all this get you down. Watch the DVD Stepbrothers and forget about your messed up life for a few hours!! After watching this movie you will then want to clean up your home so you can make more room for activities! Maybe some karate in the garage. Do you like guacamole?? The more you know......

Ok, enough about the movie. Christmas #2 was great. The food was good and all the desserts were even better!! It was a great night and just the start of a very busy 24 hours!

Here is Adam, Stacey, Courtney, Devyn and Abby. Aren't they cute!!
Here is Grandma Brown with Ashton, Abby, Devyn and Annabell. The twins didn't want to be photographed but can be seen as newborns in the frame behind the piano.
Here is wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!!

More to come

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Taking Orders

Courtney had a Christmas party to go to and she had nothing to wear so she asked her sisters for some help. Well you know Steph and I are like Martha Stewart so we whipped up a little something for Courtney to get her into the holiday spirit!!

It's a one of a kind. We are taking orders now for the 2009 holiday season!!
I'm kidding. Courtney had an ugly Christmas sweater contest and so Steph and I just helped Courtney to put this together for the party. She actually won one of the prizes and guess what she won......STEPBROTHERS DVD!!! "Did we just become best friends??"

It appears our hard work really paid off!!

More to come