Friday, December 19, 2008

Family Traditions

When I was growing every year at Christmas my Grandma Brown would make Peanut Brittle for our family dinner. Now for those that don't know I LOVE Peanut Brittle!!! It is one of my favorite things!!! Not the healthiest but whatever.

Now, as my Grandma has gotten older she stopped making it. She tried to teach me how to make about 15 years ago and it was very intense and I never tried again. Just this year my cousin Alyssa told me that she knew how to make it. I had no idea! Apparently Grandma taught her how to make it as well and she was a quick study.

Alyssa offered to make it for Christmas dinner this year. I was so excited to have it as it had been so long. Then I decided I would try to learn how to make it again if Alyssa was willing to teach me and she was!!

I went over to Alyssa's house and she had all the ingredients out and ready to go. Now the reason the peanut brittle process is so intense is because everything is centered around certain temperatures and constant stirring

See constant watching of the temperature and stiring. I took a quick pasue just to take the photo. It's amazing that something that looks like this cooking tastes so darn good!!!
Having all the ingredients ready to go makes the process much smoother. BTW always make sure you double check if it's calling for a Tablespoon or a Teaspoon. That can really ruin a recipe!! Alyssa taught me that important lesson!! : )

Alyssa was very patient with me and I made most of the first batch and part of the second batch. It was a lot of fun and not as scary as it was 15 years ago!!

This is what it looks like after you pour it out to cool. YUMMY!!!!
Once it has cooled down then the breaking can begin. It's hard not to want to break a piece and then eat a piece. You have to pace yourself. Is this piece too big for one person?? : )
Alyssa gave me a recipe card and I made a copy of Grandma Brown's famous Peanut Brittle recipe. Now, since there were some left over ingredients I decided to try to make the Brittle on my own at home. I figured if it was good I would take it over to my Mom's house for Christmas dinner. I made it with no issues and it was a huge hit at the party!! I have had requests to make it for all future get togethers!

See it was all gone before the night was over!!

Thank you Alyssa for taking the time to teach me how to make this GREAT Peanut Brittle!! Now we can continue to make it for our families and carry on these wonderful family traditions!!!
It was like an old school Christmas with all these yummy goodies that Grandma use to make. I can't forget about the haystacks either!! Thanks Shawn and Mindi for making those.

More to come


poo head said...

Yum! I wish I had some more. I am glad to have had the opportunity to pass this recipe on to you. It doesn't always have to be intense :) and your pouring skills have already exceeded mine!

You're right about the tsp/TBL conondrum but don't forget the rule w/ sharing the recipe :)

LB said...

Well my recipe is already too detailed so I will need to do it over again like yours and only share that version!!