Saturday, December 13, 2008

Now I know we are in a Recession!!

This is our third year having a really big yard sale at my sister Stephanie's house. We gather things all year that we would otherwise donate and keep it for the "yard sale." Can I just say my closet is very cleaned out!!We normally have our sale right before Christmas because our "clients" seem to like to give some of our items away as gifts! We do have something for everyone!! : )

Well the last few years have been totally awesome. We made over $1000 the first year and over $900 last year. Now, we knew things were tough but I don't think I realized how bad it was until this year!!

The sale started at 6am and we had one guy there before Steph got back from putting out the signs but NO SALE! After he left we had no one for almost an hour. I was ready to cry!! We had done all this work and for nothing!!
See all the crap we had to sell!!!!
Then finally the sun came out and the people started to show up! We had new customers and some of our regulars that come every year! We love them!!

Now, we had a steady stream of people there at all times but boy where they price haggling us! I mean gosh the stuff was dirt cheap and they wanted it cheaper!! It's truly a sign of the times when you can't sell your crap at a descent price anymore!!

Needless to say we got rid of a good portion of it all but we only made a little over $400. That was the worst one yet!! Now some may say that is good and don't get me wrong we were happy with anything. I guess my expectations were just a little too high. I can only hope that with Obama coming into the office next year he will turn things around so we can get back to our high dollar yard sales!!!

More to come


C Brown said...

Yeah that wasn't a good yard sale but we did get rid of some junk. We will just have to see how next years goes

LB said...

I agree let's see how things go. Maybe you can give haircuts on the driveway and we can make a few extra bucks that way!!