Friday, July 24, 2009

Lindsay 9:00pm-12:00pm

Finally it was my turn!!!! I actually had two activities planned so we were off!!!

I took the girls to the casino to play a few slots and then some bingo! None of us have ever played Bingo (besides Court) before so I was super excited.

Our self-taken photo in front of the casino

Bingo was scheduled to start at 10pm but they were running late so we had some time to kill. I went off to explore the slot machines and Alyssa, Stacey, and Courtney were having a photo shoot!!
It was now time to play!!!

We walk into the room and it was silent except for the announcer. Not what I was expecting but understandable. I mean you do need to hear the announcer!

Here is the big board that shows you the number called and what previous numbers have been called.
I didn't know you couldn't use a camera in the bingo hall but I did snap this one real quick! See how focused the girls are when it comes to BINGO!!

After bingo the girls played some slots and Alyssa won a little and I of course lost! Damn gambling!! Courtney played her first slot machine!!! Welcome to the world of gambling Courtney!! Sorry I don't have many photos but the casino doesn't like you taking pictures inside.
After the casino we were off to my next destination!!

Cadillac Ranch to do some BULL RIDING!!!!

I have always wanted to do this!!!

Alyssa had a previous experience with that bull so she decided to sit this one out.

Courtney and Steph chillin out to some music at the bar!

Stacey and Alyssa enjoying the Cadillac Ranch!

Our final self-taken photo of the night!!!

Now, it's time for some Bull Riding!!
Here is Stacey taking a ride!!! Hang on!!!

Here is Courtney riding the bull!!

Steph is holding on tight with not only her arms but her legs! She actually stayed on the longest. All those years of watching Urban Cowboy really paid off. Bud would be so proud!!

Here I am trying to figure out how I should hold the bull! You will notice I am the only one that tried to do it with only one hand.....then I fell off!!

I'm not sure how to even summarize today except to say it was an AWESOME DAY!!! All the activities we did today were great! I have some of the most creative cousins ever!!!! Thanks for making our First Annual Cousin Day one of the BEST!!!! I can't wait for next year!!!

Love ya all!!

More to come



Stacey said...

OMG, why was this the best day of my life!!!! Wait, isn't my wedding day suppose to be the best day of my life....don't tell Teddy but he has some pretty big shoes to fill...

Stacey said...

I have heard our official Cousin Day anthem twice on the radio...once was with Teddy and when I started dancing and clapping he just stared at me like I was crazy....

C Brown said...

This was so much fun I enjoyed the bingo and the slots ( i can see were it is addictive) and the Bull riding was so much fun. I guess i need some more practice. Lindsay you have room in your backyard for a bull right

Lara said...

How fun! Looks like you all had a great day! Awesome ideas!
BTW... what is your official anthem?

LB said...

The official Cousin day anthem was "I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Pea. It's an awesome song and very addictive. I downloaded it and I listen to it all the time and get all excited!! Thanks Steph for introducing me to it!!

LB said...

Stacey don't worry your wedding can still be one of you best days with Teddy. Cousin Day is your best day with us!! When the DJ plays our Cousin Day anthem at the wedding we can all have a moment together then it can go back to being about you and Teddy!! I can't wait!!!

BTW Courtney if you are looking for a mechanical bull yes we can install that in the backyard. I personally clean it every day so Alyssa doesn't get a rash from it! A live bull is a BIG NOOO!!!! Besides Charlie wont like having to share his backyard!!!

Shannon said...

Love all the pics and details from your day, and what great ideas you all had! So fun! I might have to get all my cousins together for a cousin day in my family too!

LB said...

July 24th is really cousin day so you guys should celebrate next year!!! It's fun!!!

Stephanie said...

Bingo and Bull Riding, who knew how well the two would go together!Great way to end the night! Thanks for all the experiences, everyone!

poo head said...

I played official videographer at this activity which is A-OK with me :) I like the idea of a clean bull in the backyard, then we could become expert bull riders!

Thanks cousins for a great day! A year's worth of activities in an afternoon. I was so exciting.

Can you tell from these last photos how tired I am?

Who knew several of us were off to sleepless nights, damn scary masked bad guys!