Saturday, July 11, 2009

Scruffy No More

Now that Charlie is 13 weeks old I have decided it's time for him to have his first "REAL" haircut! He was starting to become this huge puffball of hair! Not like that is not cute but he looked a little scruffy and my dog is not going to look scruffy!

I called Petsmart and took him in and $75 later he was like a new dog!! Oh, and yes I did say $75 for a haircut, shampoo, conditioner, teeth brushed, nails trimmed, and a bandanna!! I pay less getting a $10 manicure, $20 dentist appointment, and my hair done for free thanks to Courtney! Total BULLSHIT!!! I told Courtney she is cutting his hair next time so start practicing on the dogs in the neighborhood!!

Check out the before photos:

I love his head tilt!!
Cute but the scruffiness is beginning
Very scruffy now!
Now check out the after photos:

Look my puppy has eyes!!! Say hello Charlie!
This photo just made me laugh but you can see how smooth his hair looks and you can kind of see that they cut him some bangs!
I hate that the flash makes his eyes look all robot green.

I'm so excited that Charlie is all cleaned up and looking sharp. Now if only he could go the park and let all the female dogs swoon at him. Sorry Charlie, you gotta wait a few more weeks before you can run with the other dogs! Besides girls are just trouble so you don't need any of that!!
More to come


poo head said...

Cute little puppy!

C Brown said...

Even all scruffy he is still super cute. I love his little bangs and he looks so soft a fluffy. What a cute pup.