Friday, July 10, 2009

Sister Time

Devyn and I have been trying to plan a night that she could come over and spend the night. This girl is just a busy as me sometimes!! We finally got it planned and the date was set! I went and picked her up that afternoon with Charlie. As I went into my Dad's house his dogs Roxy and Raven were in the house. Now these dogs are like 70lbs and quite huge compared to Charlie but they were very interested in him. After tons of sniffs and no growling I decided to put Charlie down and let them check each other out. It was super cute! They all got along very well. I was concerned Charlie would get stepped on so play time ended quickly but it was a good start. At least they didn't eat him!!

Devyn and I then packed up Charlie and we were off! As a surprise for Devyn I decided I would take her to As You Wish for some fun painting and bonding! Devyn was VERY excited! She says it's her favorite place and that she hadn't been forever so the night was off to a great start. Plus it was something indoors so the heat was avoided!! We both painted our items and just talked. It was really relaxing and fun!

Here is Devyn painting.
Here I am painingt my doggie face for my frame.
Here we are together at our table.
After painting we were both starving so we went to grab some dinner before we went home. Can I just say I love that Devyn LOVES Panda Express!! I think it's a family thing because all her other sister's love it too! With that said we of course had Panda for dinner and it was YUMMY!
I have no photos from there because I was too busy eating!! : )
We headed up for some quality time with Charlie and to play the Wii. We actually played my new game Boogie Super Star and it was a lot of fun so I can't wait for a Cousin Wii night so we can play! I mean it's singing and dancing! What can more can you want from a game!
Here is Charlie and Devyn spending sometime together. Sorry he looks a little scruffy because he needs a haircut!
Both Charlie and Devyn slept in my bed with no accidents (by accidents I mean Devyn rolling onto Charlie...she moves a lot in her sleep) and only one early wake up call by Charlie at 5am! However, we all went back to bed for a few more hours. I was up by 8am and I think this was the first morning that I was actually up before Devyn....thanks only to Charlie.

It was a great night and I had a great time bonding with my sister!

Thanks Dev! Let's do it again soon!

More to come


poo head said...

Sounds like a fun sister day! As You Wish is my nemesis but I'm glad you two had fun.

It's nice to have a new face on the blog too. Devyn is like a fun visitor who drops in every once in awhile!

LB said...

I can try to find a new person to add to the blog each week. It can be my newest challenge. I will meet strangers and take photos with them and post them to the blog!

C Brown said...

Sounds like you guys had fun and its always a treat to do something a little diffrent. Plus at least you had Devyn to run a round with Charlie and wear him out.