Friday, October 2, 2009

Birthday Dinner for the Folks

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!!
Tonight was not only my parents birthday but also their birthday party/dinner. Us kids wanted to do something special for our parents so we decided to get takeout from all their favorite places. We got Pete's Fish and Chips for my Dad. Sushi and Thai for my Mom. Plus we have been trying to get my Dad and Lara to try sushi and Thai so what an opportunity! Looks yummy.......yep that is a PLATTER of fries!!
While the adults finished up eating and talking Devyn and Cameron decided to work on their pool game. Getting their hustle on!
After we stuffed our faces....or at least I did. It was time for gifts. Here are a few items.
Randy got my Mom like three pairs of their cozy, fuzzy crocs! Come on cold weather!! Very cute!
Devyn went to Build-A-Bear Workshop and made Dad his own Diamondback Bear. It's for him to take to Fantasy Camp this year and get all the players to sign the jersey. Cute idea Devyn!
I know your never too old for Disney and Mom is proving that right now with her Aurora cereal bowl and spoon set. Breakfast time will be SUPER fun now!!!
Anyone that knows my Dad knows he always travels with his jug of soda. Well my Mom and Randy took the jug thing to the next level and got my Dad this jug/BUCKET for soda!! He loves it though. I think it helps that it was filled with cigars as well. Gosh, Dad I wonder how much a refill is going to cost on that thing???
After gifts it was time for dessert and we had set-up a little cupcake making bar for everyone to frost and decorate their own cupcake. Steph even had some of the DD decorations left over for us to use! They were yummy!
Don't they look excited to start decorating!!
Before everyone could leave I had to get some updated family photos. Here is Dad and his girls.
My parents and "their" three kids.
Mom and her girls, stepson Matthew, Grandson Cameron and of course Grandpuppy Charlie.
Grammie with Charlie.
Grandpa with Charlie
BTW Charlie was not digging all this photo taking crap. However, I told Charlie that is how this family rolls so get use to it buddy!! Wait until Christmas!!!

Here is Dad with Lara and Devyn.
Mom and Randy.
I would like to thank everyone for coming over and helping to celebrate Mom and Dad's Birthday! I think it's great that our family can celebrate events like this together. Love to you all!!
More to come


poo head said...

Sounds like it was fun. Happy belated b-day to you both!

I asked LB how her tummy felt w/ that combo of food and she assured me all was fine. I was worried that you all might combust!

C Brown said...

It was a great combo of food, even if I only ate the chicken and fries everyone else just loved it. It was a fun night and I love we that we can do things like that.