Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wright Wedding

The big day finally arrived!! Stacey and Adam's Wedding! It was a great ceremony but the few photos I have didn't turn out that great so you will have to wait and see more pictures at the reception. The day was great!! Stacey looked beautiful and Adam was looking oh so handsome!! Congrats again to you both!!

The alter in the church
Mr. and Mrs. Wright!!!
Shawn and Mindi with their little girl
Grandma Hoff and her great-granddaughter . Great smile Grandma!! She looked so happy!
The hairdressers/cousin/friend! Great job girls everyone's hair held up!!

The Charles Barkley table! Go #34!!!
The bride stopped by for a quick photo!
Everyone enjoy the La Marcha!
My Mom and her girls! I don't get this dance or why you roll around on the floor but everyone seemed to like it and really got into it. Watch those dresses ladies!!
Stacey got into this dance too but apparently it was easier to get down then it was to get up in her dress!!
Not sure what Adam was doing or waiting for but he was jammin while he was doing it!
Stacey waiting for her husband to crawl under that dress and get the garter....with his mouth!! Sorry no photos of that but I do have video for later!!
Courtney caught the bouqet so she was honored with starting the congo line dance! She is also officially looking for her husband now as well!! Good luck!
Not sure which line dance this one was but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves! Even Cameron was out there dancing!!
Alyssa, Stacey and Courtney taking a moment from dancing to take a photo
Stephanie cutting a rug with Uncle Walt! They looked good out there. I think they both have been watching Dancing with the Stars!
Uncle Allen and his Mom take a minute to dance together.
Andy in a very exciting Brown/Vega sandwich!!
Stacey really gets into her dancing as you can see!! : )

As I mentioned before I have a video of Adam getting the garter so check it out!

I would like to officially welcome Adam to the family!! Stacey couldn't have picked a better guy!! Adam you are lucky because you not only got yourself a wonderful wife but she comes with a GREAT family......sometimes!!! : )

Congrats again to Stacey and Adam!!

More to come


1 comment:

poo head said...

Great pics, I love seeing all the different ones that people took. Everyone looked so pretty and it was a fun day!!