Thursday, October 2, 2008

You were right!

OK, so I'm going to deviate just a bit from my typical postings.

For those of you Twilight fans in the family I would like to take a moment to say I'm sorry. I know I got mad when you discussed the book at any opportunity possible (and I mean EVERY opportunity possible). The way the story was described sounded lame to me...but I now know I was very WRONG!!

I am a very picky reader. If I do read it's normally gossip books (like Stori Telling by Tori Spelling...very good book. I recommend it!) or some true life murder book. That is about it. Well after all this Twilight talk I decided to bite the bullet and read it on my next flight. I started the book Monday afternoon and I finished all 500 plus pages by Thursday morning (That is a record for me). This included me not going to sleep until 5am Wednesday morning because I couldn't stop reading it. I HAD to finish it that night! I have never been so excited to go to bed just so I could read!

I'm now on the second book and I have to say to all of you that said I would love it if I just read it......well you were RIGHT!! Yes, I'm saying you were right and I was wrong. I can admit my faults.

Thanks Courtney for introducing us all to the series and to Alyssa, Steph, and my Mom for pushing me to read it. I feel like I'm a changed person now and in a good way.

Go Team Edward!



Stephanie said...

I am glad you finally understand that we were not all stupid and or crazy for being so passionate about the Twilight series. As a fan, you carry your thoughts inside you as you read and when you are around someone else who has read it, you just HAVE to discuss. It is like therapy........
I am so happy you like it!! The series captures you like nothing you have read and you will continue to read the books or your favorite parts over and over!! Sorry, that sounds like I am crazy but I am sure all of you fans will testify.....can I get an "Amen"??
Anyways, I happy to see you learning these life lessons.......

AlohaGoJo said...

Did you finish Stori Telling already??!?!?! Damn, you're fast!

LB said...

Amen Steph! I can't wait for my first book club meeting! And yes Golden I finished Stori Telling on the plane! It was great! Want me to send it to you? : )

poo head said...

I am just so glad you gave it a chance!

And Steph: AMEN!

C Brown said...

I just have to say welcome. I knew that you would love the book. I am just happy you decided to give it a chance. GO TWILIGHT