Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas #2

It's Christmas Eve and we are celebrating Christmas on my Dad's side of the family. This is the Christmas dinner with the yummy peanut brittle and haystacks!! : )
I didn't take any pictures of the tree or all the gifts (I was in a crappy mood so I bad)but I can say there were quite a few. We have several great grand kids on this side of the family so it can be very chaotic. See Shawn becomes a climbing toy. DOG PILE!!!
On this side of the family we do a Christmas drawing and I got the DVD Stepbrothers!! I was so excited!! I can't wait to watch it.....over and over again!!! I will have a viewing party soon so stay tuned for your invite. BTW if you have not seen this movie you HAVE to watch it!! It's one of my favorite movies.

Here is my Step Brothers Public Service Announcement:
The economy sucks. We are losing more and more of our 401k daily. Retirement will never happen for most of us. Don't let all this get you down. Watch the DVD Stepbrothers and forget about your messed up life for a few hours!! After watching this movie you will then want to clean up your home so you can make more room for activities! Maybe some karate in the garage. Do you like guacamole?? The more you know......

Ok, enough about the movie. Christmas #2 was great. The food was good and all the desserts were even better!! It was a great night and just the start of a very busy 24 hours!

Here is Adam, Stacey, Courtney, Devyn and Abby. Aren't they cute!!
Here is Grandma Brown with Ashton, Abby, Devyn and Annabell. The twins didn't want to be photographed but can be seen as newborns in the frame behind the piano.
Here is wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!!

More to come


poo head said...

Where was I when the camera was out? Eating all the desserts? It's possible!

Cute photos...this is the second photo that Shawn has smiled in lately...maybe it's the new him!

I also received some great gifts, including a privately produced christmas c.d.

C Brown said...

I think the holiday cd is one of the best gift. Step bothers is funny also. I like that shawn is getting dog piled by two of the lightest kids.

LB said...

Yeah, I think you were eating or drinking during the photo shoot. No worries there will be plenty more with you in them later.

I agree Shawn did have the smallest kids on him until.....Stacey came over!! I was going to jump on him next but I was worried I would hurt a kid!