Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas #4

It is Christmas morning and I'm at my Mom's house. We celebrate here with my stepfather Randy and his kids Matthew and Anathea. We all enjoyed a nice lunch together and then we opened presents.

This kid is always trying to be in the photos!! That is the family behind him getting ready for lunch.
Here is Courtney eating some "make believe" food. She is my "special" sister!!
This year we all decided we would cut back on our spending......umm this is my Mom's way of cutting back!!! She is such a kid when it comes to Christmas!! Gotta love her!! : )
In my Mom's defense those are all the gifts including the ones we all brought so she did do good cutting back because there have been years where the little tree is almost hidden!!

The morning was great. We opened gifts and thanks to my Mom and Randy I got the new American Idol 2 so we played that the rest of the afternoon. It was so much fun. Oh, yeah that is until my from God sister Courtney beat me in our American Idol contest! It's MY GAME I was suppose to WIN!!! I think I lost because I took off my Miley hair! Damn it!! Next time the hair stays on!!

Anyways it was a great afternoon. Sorry I don't have more photos. I stopped taking pictures really after Steph's house. I was busy opening gifts and playing.

After this on to Dad's house for the final Christmas!!

More to come


poo head said...

Please see your post below for my comment re: Christmas #4.

LB said...

Yes, I agree both are Moms do WAY TOO MUCH!!! We are very lucky!!

C Brown said...

I know its funny that is cutting back.Moms are silly