Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jake in the City

This weekend I went to see my friends Jenny and Josh and their new son Jake in San Francisco. He was born June 5th so he is only three weeks old and SUPER cute and little!!! Now, I haven't seen Jenny since we went to Yosemite during my sabbatical last year so I was excited to come and hang out with her as well but baby Jake was my big motivator....sorry Jenny!! : )

I got to hang out with Jenny and Jake all day and see what the life of a new parent is like. Yeah, it is very exhausting. Now, I did have to work the two days I was out there but I was working from her house so I still got to hang with them. The routine was pretty much eat, sleep, eat, sleep, awake (20 minutes max), eat, sleep, and an occasional cry in there!! And that was just Jenny!!! HA HA HA!! J/K!!! For being such a small guy he is quite a handful......and I thought Charlie was hard!!

Here is Jake trying out his cool swing. This swing is so cool it plays music and vibrates and swings all in one!! I loved it!! Jake seemed to enjoy himself as well.
I love how he crossed his hands in this photo. He was just so calm and enjoy his classical music in his swing.
Friday for lunch Jenny and I decided to take Jake out for a walk. We stopped by the Museum of Fine Arts for a little bottle break! I love this spot. I took everyone here when they came to visit me when I lived out there. It's so pretty and literally down the street from where Jenny lives. She is so lucky!!
After our walk Jake was very alert and awake. I was trying to get him to smile but he didn't want to cooperate but then again he is only three weeks.
Jake loves his Mommy!!!
I thought I was getting a smile but he was drifting off to sleep. Good night Jake!! See you in a few hours.
Mommy and Jake were both tired after our walk so they both took a little a nap!! So cute!! Since this was my last night with baby Jake I took him from his Mom (she didn't want to share but she did) and I got some quality bonding time in with him. He was so cute and just wanted to cuddle up with me. I loved it!!
It was getting late so I gave him back to his Mom and it was off to bed for all of us. I had a great visit!!! Even thought it was a quick trip I had a lot of fun just hanging out with the Goines Family! I can't wait to go back!!
Jake don't grow up too fast!!! I miss you already!!!
More to come

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just Plain Sad

Today the world lost Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I have to say I expected Farrah but not Michael!! Now, I'm not posting this blog as a tribute or anything but I do have something to say. No matter what you may think of Michael Jackson and the way he lived his life he was still a person. He was some ones son, brother, uncle, cousin and father. He mattered to many people in this world. Please keep your judgemental comments to yourself. It is NEVER okay to be excited when someone dies! Going back to one of the Golden Rules: "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!!!"

They say death and accidents come in three so we lost Ed, Farrah, and Michael this week. Please let this be the end!! However, Heaven just got quite an addition!! Maybe Ed can host the Heaven's version of Star Search and Michael can before! Farrah can enter the model category!! : )

My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Ed, Farrah, and Michael during this difficult time!!

More to come

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day isn't over just yet.....

Today is actually Father's Day and while we did hang out with my Dad yesterday I still have one more Dad I need to see this Stepdad Randy. Since Courtney and I both work on Sunday we planned to come over for dinner to celebrate with Randy and my Mom.

Stephanie picked up some yummy El Pollo Loco and we chowed down. It was a very mellow evening but it was fun hearing Courtney complain about all the random places she got burnt from Saturday. Needless to say she didn't do the best job with the spray suntan lotion!! : )

Here we are with Randy. He has the best Stepkids (or so I think)!!! :)
Can't forget about Charlie. He is part of the family whether he wants to be or not!! And if you can tell my the photo he is not enjoying it!!

Had to capture this because Randy is an anti-pet lover. He has never really liked any animal and some how Charlie and Randy bonded to the point that they are now Best Friends!! Aren't they cute??
More to come

Saturday, June 20, 2009


After our Father's Day afternoon all of us cousin's decided to hang out so that we could go to the Rodeo together. Now the Rodeo is a little bar that is attached to the Best Western Hotel out in Gold Canyon. It's right down the street from Shawn's house and the best part of this place is that they have karaoke!!

Here are me and Steph hanging out while the other's are trying to dance to M.C. Hammer!!
Yep, these are their cool M.C. Hammer dance moves!! Go Alyssa!!
Courtney singing some Taylor Swift!! She was rocking the house! I love how she poses when she sings. Notice the thumb in the pocket!! : )
Always ready to put on a show was Stacey!! She was getting the house jumping here!!

Now, all of us girl's sang but I was not allowed to take photo's of Stephanie singing and Alyssa was right next to me singing so I didn't get her either but they both did a great job. However, I did capture our girl Stacey singing so check her out.....

After the singing the karaoke guy Tino wanted to get the place moving so he played a little music and you know Stacey and Courtney will cut a rug anytime so here they are.....

It was a great night and we had a lot of fun!! I think we were all crowd favorites at the Rodeo on Saturday night!!! We will be back again soon!!!

More to come


Fun with our Father's

Every Father's Day we send our Dad golfing with our Uncle Allen. All of us kids have been doing this for several years now so it has become a tradition. After our Dad's got done golfing they joined us at my cousin Shawn's house for some pool time and lunch. Oh, and of course beer!!

We all had fun swimming, drinking, eating, swimming, drinking, drinking, and eating again!!
And yes as always I captured the moments so let's take a look at the fun day we all had together!

Daddy and his grils!! Isn't he lucky to have all girls!! : )
Here is my Dad, Cousin Shawn (newest soon-to-be-Father), and my Uncle Allen. Otherwise know as the Father's Day Golfers.
Shawn and Mindi and the newest Brown girl....or so we think!! We can't wait to meet her in September!! The boys and their Mom!! We were lucky to get Grandma Brown to come over and hang out with us for a while. I know she loves seeing her boys on Father's Day and her wonderful Grandkids!!
This is my Uncle Allen and his tribe!! Here are all his kids and their significant others. What a cute family and just think next year there will be a baby in the photo!! Only one though...right Stacey and Alyssa???
See brothers and sisters can get along....sometimes!!! At least for this photo.
Lara and Devyn joining Dad as he relaxes in the chair after a long morning/day!! All the guys were tired that went golfing but it was a good tired!! : )
Sister's Alyssa and Stacey hanging out pool side!!
I figured if Alyssa and Stacey can take a sister photo, me and my sister's would do it too!!! This one had less cleavage!!
As the day progressed and our Dad's all left, us cousin's decided to stay and hang out so we could go out later. While we were all just hanging out in the pool Courtney decided to throw a football at Stacey. When she grabbed it and threw it she felt a sting. Something was in her finger so she pulled it out and that is when the pain set in.
Now, yes Courtney had been drinking and was a bit drunk but she was really upset by this sting. We think a bee was on the ball and when she grabbed the ball she hit the bee. We never saw a stinger but for how much pain she was in it had to be something.

Here are the girls sympathizing with Courtney and her swollen finger! Well Alyssa is sympathizing and Stacey is just posing with her beer. Nice Stacey!!
We tried to put ice on it to help with the swelling. It helped a little. Courtney was still not 100%
To help with the pain we gave Courtney a Benadryl and needless to say she passed out after that. Now, it may not have been smart to give her Benadryl after spending the whole day drinking but she lived. She just got a really solid nap!! Once she woke up it was off to the Rodeo for a little fun......
More to come

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Birthday Dinner

Tonight was Steph's Birthday dinner and she decided she wanted some WINGS so of course we went to Native New Yorker. We had a great table in the front and we had a really good waitress. Which can be hard to find at Native sometimes!! :)


Stephanie and her favorite son Cameron! Oh, yeah that's right it's her only son!!
This is the COOL gift that Cameron MADE for Stephanie. I believe it's the start of a scarf but I'm not sure. The point was he made it and I think he has potential. Mindi look you can have an intern!!!
Steph and her Mom....which is also my Mom but since this is about Stephanie it is her Mom.
After dinner I decided to that we would do some family photos since it was kind of hard to capture everyone that was at the dinner while we were sitting. Actually I kind of forgot to take a table shot so that is my bad. Sorry Steph.
Anyways, here is Steph with Dad, Lara, and Devyn.
Here are the "sisters" we have some whole, half and step in this one photo!!! But I consider them all just my sisters.
Stephanie and her other set of parents!! Here she is with Mom and Randy.
Yep, and as always my famous self-taken photo of just the girls!! You have no idea how hard it was to get down low enough to have Devyn not look like she is cradling in our boobs and still have Courtney in it. I think I had to take this one like eight times but I was finally successful!!

It was a great dinner with the family and the Dbacks and ASU baseball team won that night as well capping off a wonderful evening. That is all for the June Birthday's but we have many more to come in July!! I can't wait!!


More to come



It's your birthday today and you can wear whatever you want!!!!!


Have a great day sis and enjoy your day off from work!!!
Can't wait to eat some Native later tonight!! Yummy wings and beer!!
More to come

Monday, June 15, 2009

Must BEE Monday!

I walked into work this morning and I went straight to the cafe to get my free soda and to fill my water bottle. I was pretty excited because I was at work on time and Charlie seemed to be pretty happy when I left so all was good. As I approach the elevator to head to the third floor where I sit I see a sign that changed it is what it said:

Attention CH7 3rd and 4th floor occupants,
A Swarm Of Bee’s Penetrated The Building And were seen on the Third and Fourth Floors. Exterminators were Dispatched and Serviced Both Floors. Please be Aware of your Surroundings.
Please note Conference rooms CH7-309 and CH7-310 will be not be available today.

Ummm....okay what the hell do they mean a swarm of bee's penetrated the building!!! I mean when I think of a swarm I think of that huge black cloud of killer bee's like you see in a movie. I mean what constitutes as a swarm? More then five?? Ten?? Twenty?? Is the Queen bee with the swarm?? Either way I'm freaked out and those conference rooms that are not available today are near where I sit!!

IIf I get stung at work does that mean I can file for workers comp?? Just thinking out loud.....

Well wish me luck today. I already told my boss the first bee I see and I'm outta here!!!

For those that asked to see the sign here it is! So funny! They just added the bee picture on a Intel badge!!

More to come

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Charles In Charge

Well, it's official I am a Mom (dog Mom that is)!!!

Meet Charlie!! He is an eight week old Shitzu. Say hi Charlie!
He is a "special girl" gift from my Mom and sister Courtney! Apparently they thought I was lonely with T being gone so they got me another guy to replace him. He is super cute and very tiny right now but he will get a little bigger. I'm still trying to get use to all the responsibility that comes with being a dog owner so I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed but I know Charlie is as well. He is only eight weeks old. I think he misses his biological Mom a little bit. We are doing well though and our first night together was not that bad. However, I did warn Grammie, Boompa, and Auntie that they will all have some fun overnights with Charlie since I have some trips already planned. They all seemed very excited to dog sit!!

Here are some photo's of Charlie.

He is eating in this photo.
Just chillin.....that's what we do in this house.
Last night he was checking out his big backyard that he has to play in now! He was super excited to run/hop! : )
Here is Charlie and his Tia Stephanie. I figured since Courtney was Auntie Steph can be his Tia which is Aunt in Spanish. Charlie loved her by the way.
It was getting late and Charlie was tired last night.....where are his eyes???
Just a little dog nap on the couch!
Here is the new Mom and her baby last night a few minutes after he was given to me.
I will keep everyone updated on Charlie's progress and drama because you know there will be drama! However, I can say that Charlie is a very good dog so far. Everyone loved him at PetsMart! It's funny we came home and I put him down and he went straight to his room (my bathroom) and laid down in from of his kennel. See how smart he is already!! : )
Thanks again to my Mom and Courtney for the great gift. Not sure I recommend giving pets to people but he does mean a lot to me and I'm excited for our life together!!
More to come

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Since I have this blog to discuss my thought and activities I have decided to focus this entry on my thoughts. I'm not sure if it's the weather, hormones, or my personality but things have been annoying me very easily lately. Let me share some of the things that annoyed me the most this week.

1. Morons!! Plain and simple. If you are stupid or act stupid or say stupid things that make no sense then I hate you!!

2. My Phone. Why do I not get all my twitters? Why does my phone drop a call but I have all my bars?? I pay too much money every month to have any issues!! WTF!!

3. Job #2. Why is it that I can be called a FAT ASS and nothing seems to happened but Katie moves a fridge from the desk to the ground and she gets yelled at and in trouble by the manager!! Nice priorities. She is a DICK!!! Thanks Chelsea for making it okay for me to use that word!

4. Slow Drivers. Just drive you dumb ass!!! Yes, even with photo radar you can still at least go 65mph!!

5. My Weight. I'm just fat but I'm annoyed by it. I'm not doing anything to make it better but whatever I can complain if I want!! Happy Hour anyone?? : )

6. Parents that let their kids SCREAM at the mall. Now, don't get me wrong I know kids can't always be controlled but can you at least try! When your kid is screaming and you continue to talk to your friends or whomever that is NOT okay!! Be a parent and pay attention to your kid. I almost walked out of my store on Monday to shut this kid up whose parents were letting him scream bloody murder!! To avoid a possible assault charge I just stood at the entrance of the store and gave them dirty looks shaking my head!! They finally left!! I felt like I won!!

7. People that chew with their mouth open. I don't need to explain this one but I will say this guy at job #1 sits across from me (we share a cube wall). I can hear him eat EVERYTHING!! I have never wanted to kill someone so bad in my life and I think I could plead insanity because it literally drives me crazy! I had to turn my ipod up so loud to drown him out! I don't like this guy!! He is always yelling on the phone too! No one needs to talk that damn loud!

8. People who whistle as they walk around. SHUT UP! Unless your one of the seven dwarf you should not be whistling!! No one likes it!!

9. People that don't come to meetings they are required to attend and they don't decline so you sit on the phone waiting and waiting! Grow up people and do your freaking job!!

10. Gum poppers. If you are chewing your gum correctly then it should not be popping and snapping. Close your mouth and chew. No one needs to see the gum flying around your mouth. That is gross!!!

OK, I feel better now. These are things I have encountered this week and it's only Wednesday!! Now, I know these are all silly little things but they build up so I had to vent and now I feel like I can let it go.

Who knew this blog could be like therapy! : )
I might need to do this on a more regular basis!!

More to come

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ticket Stress

Well this all began when I got my twitter from Miley saying she is going on tour in the Fall. Needless to say I was super excited so I got on Ticketmaster to get the details right away!

I found out that her tickets go sale to the general public on June 13th but if you were a member of Mileyworld you could buy them on June 8th at 10am MST. So as a dedicated fan I had no choice but to become a fan of Mileyworld (at a cost of $29.95) so that I could buy pre-sale tickets today. I was kind of embarrassed to buy my Mileyworld membership considering when you have to enter your date of birth I had to really scroll down to 1975! : (

I joined Mileyworld last night and I went to the ticket information and gathered the codes it said I needed to buy tickets on Ticketmaster. I also scanned a few videos while I was on the website. I might actually like being a Mileyworld member after all!!!

With all my codes and credit card information in front of me I was ready for 10am MST. At 10am MST I refresh my Ticketmaster page and nothing. I go back to Mileyworld and it says go to Ticketmaster. I go back to Ticketmaster and refresh and nothing! I did this for about 20 minutes before I got sad and felt like I was scammed into buy some damn Mileyworld member for NOTHING!! Actually I do get an autographed photo in my welcome package so it wasn't for nothing but you get my point. I email Courtney and she says to try again at 10am PST so I waited. Oh, and during all this I was sitting at home in a work meeting. I call it multi-tasking!

At 10am I clicked refresh and there it was.....the words I had been looking for.....TO FIND TICKETS CLICK HERE!!!! I clicked as fast as I could and I was in!!! It said "Mileyworld presale only" and I felt very special to be part of that club! I selected my 4 tickets and put in my Mileyworld presale code (I had to do that 3 times. I guess it had to be typed exactly as it was printed and I wasn't capitalizing the letters....whatever!) and my tickets popped up. Now the first time our seats where on the side of the stage. I didn't like them. I thought all we would do is see her from the side so I took a chance and hit search again. We got seats in a section more centered with the stage so I quickly accepted them and bought them!!! I was so excited!!

Not sure a 33 year old should be so excited but it was a combination of excitement that it worked and to go to the concert. Don't judge me!! : )

I would like to apologize to Mileyworld for doubting your presale. I joined and I got tickets so I'm very happy. BTW for all my blogstalkers, Devyn is coming too but she doesn't know. It's a B-day present so please make sure you don't mention this in front of her. Thanks!

Oh, yeah and Metro Station is touring with Miley and I love them too!! I can't wait until Sept 25th!!! See ya in a few months Miley!!!

BTW Courtney you will need to come over early so you can put my Miley hair in for the concert!! Make sure it's in tight so it doesn't fall out while I'm dancing around!! : )

More to come

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby Jake!!

Here are some real photos of Jake Tyler Goines. Such a cutie!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Welcome to the World Baby Jake!

My friends Jenny and Josh welcomed their son Jake into the world early this morning. He is one of the few babies I know that was actually born on his due date!! I don't have pictures and I don't have tons of details (he was 6lbs ) but I'm just SUPER excited and I wanted to share the news with my blog family!

Aunt Lindsay will be out there in two weeks to see you.....and spoil you a little bit!! : )
I can't wait to meet you Jake!!
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