Thursday, June 18, 2009

Birthday Dinner

Tonight was Steph's Birthday dinner and she decided she wanted some WINGS so of course we went to Native New Yorker. We had a great table in the front and we had a really good waitress. Which can be hard to find at Native sometimes!! :)


Stephanie and her favorite son Cameron! Oh, yeah that's right it's her only son!!
This is the COOL gift that Cameron MADE for Stephanie. I believe it's the start of a scarf but I'm not sure. The point was he made it and I think he has potential. Mindi look you can have an intern!!!
Steph and her Mom....which is also my Mom but since this is about Stephanie it is her Mom.
After dinner I decided to that we would do some family photos since it was kind of hard to capture everyone that was at the dinner while we were sitting. Actually I kind of forgot to take a table shot so that is my bad. Sorry Steph.
Anyways, here is Steph with Dad, Lara, and Devyn.
Here are the "sisters" we have some whole, half and step in this one photo!!! But I consider them all just my sisters.
Stephanie and her other set of parents!! Here she is with Mom and Randy.
Yep, and as always my famous self-taken photo of just the girls!! You have no idea how hard it was to get down low enough to have Devyn not look like she is cradling in our boobs and still have Courtney in it. I think I had to take this one like eight times but I was finally successful!!

It was a great dinner with the family and the Dbacks and ASU baseball team won that night as well capping off a wonderful evening. That is all for the June Birthday's but we have many more to come in July!! I can't wait!!


More to come



poo head said...

Looks like everyone had fun and I must say, hot pink is your color Steph! Lookin good!!

Stacey said...

I agree, hot pink for the hot lady....I love the last picture of the four of you guys :)

C Brown said...

Happy Birthday Steph. It was a fun night and us four sisters take some great pictures.