Thursday, June 11, 2009

Charles In Charge

Well, it's official I am a Mom (dog Mom that is)!!!

Meet Charlie!! He is an eight week old Shitzu. Say hi Charlie!
He is a "special girl" gift from my Mom and sister Courtney! Apparently they thought I was lonely with T being gone so they got me another guy to replace him. He is super cute and very tiny right now but he will get a little bigger. I'm still trying to get use to all the responsibility that comes with being a dog owner so I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed but I know Charlie is as well. He is only eight weeks old. I think he misses his biological Mom a little bit. We are doing well though and our first night together was not that bad. However, I did warn Grammie, Boompa, and Auntie that they will all have some fun overnights with Charlie since I have some trips already planned. They all seemed very excited to dog sit!!

Here are some photo's of Charlie.

He is eating in this photo.
Just chillin.....that's what we do in this house.
Last night he was checking out his big backyard that he has to play in now! He was super excited to run/hop! : )
Here is Charlie and his Tia Stephanie. I figured since Courtney was Auntie Steph can be his Tia which is Aunt in Spanish. Charlie loved her by the way.
It was getting late and Charlie was tired last night.....where are his eyes???
Just a little dog nap on the couch!
Here is the new Mom and her baby last night a few minutes after he was given to me.
I will keep everyone updated on Charlie's progress and drama because you know there will be drama! However, I can say that Charlie is a very good dog so far. Everyone loved him at PetsMart! It's funny we came home and I put him down and he went straight to his room (my bathroom) and laid down in from of his kennel. See how smart he is already!! : )
Thanks again to my Mom and Courtney for the great gift. Not sure I recommend giving pets to people but he does mean a lot to me and I'm excited for our life together!!
More to come


C Brown said...

He is super sweet and cute. I am sure Boompa will love the days he visits cause he couldn't but him down.

LB said...

Well get ready Grammie and Boompa cause Charlie is coming over this weekend!! : )

Stacey said...

He is super cute!!!!! Charlie and I only spent a few minutes together, but I feel we had a connection too...or maybe it was just his facination with my toes and flip flops.