Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fun with our Father's

Every Father's Day we send our Dad golfing with our Uncle Allen. All of us kids have been doing this for several years now so it has become a tradition. After our Dad's got done golfing they joined us at my cousin Shawn's house for some pool time and lunch. Oh, and of course beer!!

We all had fun swimming, drinking, eating, swimming, drinking, drinking, and eating again!!
And yes as always I captured the moments so let's take a look at the fun day we all had together!

Daddy and his grils!! Isn't he lucky to have all girls!! : )
Here is my Dad, Cousin Shawn (newest soon-to-be-Father), and my Uncle Allen. Otherwise know as the Father's Day Golfers.
Shawn and Mindi and the newest Brown girl....or so we think!! We can't wait to meet her in September!! The boys and their Mom!! We were lucky to get Grandma Brown to come over and hang out with us for a while. I know she loves seeing her boys on Father's Day and her wonderful Grandkids!!
This is my Uncle Allen and his tribe!! Here are all his kids and their significant others. What a cute family and just think next year there will be a baby in the photo!! Only one though...right Stacey and Alyssa???
See brothers and sisters can get along....sometimes!!! At least for this photo.
Lara and Devyn joining Dad as he relaxes in the chair after a long morning/day!! All the guys were tired that went golfing but it was a good tired!! : )
Sister's Alyssa and Stacey hanging out pool side!!
I figured if Alyssa and Stacey can take a sister photo, me and my sister's would do it too!!! This one had less cleavage!!
As the day progressed and our Dad's all left, us cousin's decided to stay and hang out so we could go out later. While we were all just hanging out in the pool Courtney decided to throw a football at Stacey. When she grabbed it and threw it she felt a sting. Something was in her finger so she pulled it out and that is when the pain set in.
Now, yes Courtney had been drinking and was a bit drunk but she was really upset by this sting. We think a bee was on the ball and when she grabbed the ball she hit the bee. We never saw a stinger but for how much pain she was in it had to be something.

Here are the girls sympathizing with Courtney and her swollen finger! Well Alyssa is sympathizing and Stacey is just posing with her beer. Nice Stacey!!
We tried to put ice on it to help with the swelling. It helped a little. Courtney was still not 100%
To help with the pain we gave Courtney a Benadryl and needless to say she passed out after that. Now, it may not have been smart to give her Benadryl after spending the whole day drinking but she lived. She just got a really solid nap!! Once she woke up it was off to the Rodeo for a little fun......
More to come


poo head said...

I love this post too! All the family photos are awesome, some of our best I think. But if I'm honest, I had no idea what that photo of Stacey, Courtney and I was all about. I was like are we dancing? WTF? Then I read the caption and remembered the bee sting but I do NOT remember the photo...hey pass the beer! LOL Stacey's pose is priceless..

I must say, if there was ever any doubt, these last few posts prove we are hilarious!

Stacey said...

I agree with Alyssa, I didn't realize we were doing a sad photo for Courtney. At first glance, I thought Alyssa was doing an "Obama" as Teddy would say....

I agree, we are hilarious!!!! That is why everyone likes to hang out with us.

C Brown said...

I believe we make any event a goodtime. I am glad in the last photo my arm is in the way of my chubby tummy. I still have a blister from the stinger in my hand and it hurts if it gets touched. I did have a great nap. Happy fathers day to all the dads.