Thursday, April 1, 2010

Meet Cubert!!!!

***Disclaimer-this activity took place back in February but I suck and never updated my blog so I apologize that a few enteries will be out of order***

Is this not the cutest little turtle you have ever seen????  This little turtle is the yard art that we all decided to buy from The Pickle Barrel in Globe. 
We each got one and gave them a special name related to our trip.  Stacey named her turtle Pickle for the store that we bought him at.  Alyssa named her turtle Miller for the beer she likes to drink.  Courtney named her turtle Blizzard for the storm she skied through during her first ski trip ever!! 

Now you may ask why my turtle is named Cubert and why it's spelled like that.  Let me tell you why.  After we got everything unloaded from the car and into the cabin we decided to go eat some lunch.  Alyssa, Stacey and I stopped to eat at this place called The Round Up Cafe.  Sounds fun right??  Yeah, not really! 
First we walk in and everyone in the resturant (all 10 people) turn and stare at us.  Yeah, that is not uncomfortable at all!!!  While we stand there being stared at and feeling stupid this guy finally comes over and takes us to one of the many empty tables in this place.  I think he was a wanna be cowboy that somehow ended up working in this lame resturant. 

We get our menus and we start looking at what to get.  I'm starving so I'm ready to eat.  Again what seems like forever until our crazy waitress comes over to get us drinks and take our orders.  I decided to order a sandwich but it comes with homestyle fries.  Me being new to this place wanted to confirm what that really meant.  Here is how it went down: 

Me:  Can you tell me what the homestyle fries are? 

Waitress:  They are thicker then regular french fries

Alyssa:  Oh, so they are like steak fries.

Me: Oh, okay cool I like steak fries

Waitress: NO they are not like steak fries they are smaller

Me:  What do you mean they are smaller? 

Waitress:  THEY ARE LIKE CUBES!!  (yes she really did get very loud and used her hand to show me a visual of what a cube looks like just in case I didn't know)

Me/Alyssa:  OH......

Now I gave you reader's digest version of what happened but this conversation seemed as if it took about seven minutes for me to realize they were just the breakfast potatoes they didn't use that morning.  I would have rather had the steak fries.  : (

Right after that conversation happened Stacey says I should name my turtle Cube.  I though Cube was kind of random and didn't flow like a name should so I added to the name and came up with Cubert!  He looks like a Cubert too!! 

BTW our turtles are not just yard art.  They serve many purposes such as: 

Door stop....this is Miller holding the back door. 

A riding toy for little Manny. 
The list goes on and on with the fun things our turtles can do. 

More to come

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Cubert! That story makes me laugh every time. The waitress really did get heated w/ her explanation "they are CUBES!" HA