Tuesday, April 13, 2010


**This is a continuous update from my skiing entry....yes I know it's totally late but better late then never***

After skiing we decided to go to this place right by the the slopes for a little sledding so that Stacey could have some fun. We figured sledding would be okay for her and Manni.....even though Aunt Alyssa was a little nervous about this activity.

We found the sledding area and there was a guy and his son there so we were excited that it was not crowded and it was snowing still so we were all ready to hit the hill.

We had sledding disk from the house for us to sit so we were ready to go!!! Little did we know how fast we would go!!!!

Here is Courtney as she heads down the hill!!!
Alyssa and Stacey were ready to go next!!! Here they are climbing back up to the top of the hill, which by the way was SUPER hard and slippery!! Not sure how pregger did it with no issue but she climbed it like a pro!!

Now it's time for Stacey and Manni!!! Hang on Manni!!!!

My turn now!!! I went super fast and super far!!! So much fun!!
After some sledding Stacey and Courtney decided to make some snow angels!!
And more sisters!!!!
Group shot!!!

After a few minutes we were all ready to go and head back to the house so we can all take a warm shower!! However, we all had to get back up to the top of the hill. Remember I said that it was hard to climb the hill because it was covered in snow and slippery. Well Alyssa, Stacey, and Courtney all made it back up to the top but I couldn't do it. My knee was killing me from my fall skiing and I couldn't put weight on it so I would make it half way up the hill and then I would fall back down. It was funny at first and then it got frustrating and I just wanted to give up. I told the girls just to go and they could leave me....I had given up all hope!!! It was like climbing Mt Everest......
Luckily another man and his son arrived and the Dad was able to pull me up to the top of the hill. I felt like a total moron having to get rescued on a stupid sledding hill but if it wasn't for this man I would still be down at the bottom of the hill. I guess my Uggs aren't good climbing shoes after all!!!

More to come

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