Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Since I have this blog to discuss my thought and activities I have decided to focus this entry on my thoughts. I'm not sure if it's the weather, hormones, or my personality but things have been annoying me very easily lately. Let me share some of the things that annoyed me the most this week.

1. Morons!! Plain and simple. If you are stupid or act stupid or say stupid things that make no sense then I hate you!!

2. My Phone. Why do I not get all my twitters? Why does my phone drop a call but I have all my bars?? I pay too much money every month to have any issues!! WTF!!

3. Job #2. Why is it that I can be called a FAT ASS and nothing seems to happened but Katie moves a fridge from the desk to the ground and she gets yelled at and in trouble by the manager!! Nice priorities. She is a DICK!!! Thanks Chelsea for making it okay for me to use that word!

4. Slow Drivers. Just drive you dumb ass!!! Yes, even with photo radar you can still at least go 65mph!!

5. My Weight. I'm just fat but I'm annoyed by it. I'm not doing anything to make it better but whatever I can complain if I want!! Happy Hour anyone?? : )

6. Parents that let their kids SCREAM at the mall. Now, don't get me wrong I know kids can't always be controlled but can you at least try! When your kid is screaming and you continue to talk to your friends or whomever that is NOT okay!! Be a parent and pay attention to your kid. I almost walked out of my store on Monday to shut this kid up whose parents were letting him scream bloody murder!! To avoid a possible assault charge I just stood at the entrance of the store and gave them dirty looks shaking my head!! They finally left!! I felt like I won!!

7. People that chew with their mouth open. I don't need to explain this one but I will say this guy at job #1 sits across from me (we share a cube wall). I can hear him eat EVERYTHING!! I have never wanted to kill someone so bad in my life and I think I could plead insanity because it literally drives me crazy! I had to turn my ipod up so loud to drown him out! I don't like this guy!! He is always yelling on the phone too! No one needs to talk that damn loud!

8. People who whistle as they walk around. SHUT UP! Unless your one of the seven dwarf you should not be whistling!! No one likes it!!

9. People that don't come to meetings they are required to attend and they don't decline so you sit on the phone waiting and waiting! Grow up people and do your freaking job!!

10. Gum poppers. If you are chewing your gum correctly then it should not be popping and snapping. Close your mouth and chew. No one needs to see the gum flying around your mouth. That is gross!!!

OK, I feel better now. These are things I have encountered this week and it's only Wednesday!! Now, I know these are all silly little things but they build up so I had to vent and now I feel like I can let it go.

Who knew this blog could be like therapy! : )
I might need to do this on a more regular basis!!

More to come


poo head said...

Hilarious. Good job for venting. Most of the things I agree with but some I actually DO!

If I may add I DO NOT like anyone who clips their nails at their desk. I mean really, go to the bathroom!!

LB said...

I agree 100% with the nail clippings!! That is nasty and should not take place at work!!
However, no one has done that at my office this week so it didn't make the list. : )

Stacey said...

Hearing people clip their nails makes me want to vomit!!!!

I am happy that you vented :) Blogs are great for so many different things.

P.S. I snap my gum, so if you hear it I apologize in advance. Just give me a little reminder that I need to stop if you ever hear it.

C Brown said...

That was hilarious, every now and then you need to just vent. I think that has to be one of my favorite blogs.

Shannon said...

I hear ya, and those were all very good reasons to be annoyed! I especially can relate to talking too loud at work, people need to respect that they are cube walls and we can hear EVERYTHING!

LB said...

I agree! This man that shares a cube wall with me talks so loud to his wife about personal things that I'm embarassed to hear them! I should start throwing stuff over the wall when he gets to loud!! That would be funny!!