Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jake in the City

This weekend I went to see my friends Jenny and Josh and their new son Jake in San Francisco. He was born June 5th so he is only three weeks old and SUPER cute and little!!! Now, I haven't seen Jenny since we went to Yosemite during my sabbatical last year so I was excited to come and hang out with her as well but baby Jake was my big motivator....sorry Jenny!! : )

I got to hang out with Jenny and Jake all day and see what the life of a new parent is like. Yeah, it is very exhausting. Now, I did have to work the two days I was out there but I was working from her house so I still got to hang with them. The routine was pretty much eat, sleep, eat, sleep, awake (20 minutes max), eat, sleep, and an occasional cry in there!! And that was just Jenny!!! HA HA HA!! J/K!!! For being such a small guy he is quite a handful......and I thought Charlie was hard!!

Here is Jake trying out his cool swing. This swing is so cool it plays music and vibrates and swings all in one!! I loved it!! Jake seemed to enjoy himself as well.
I love how he crossed his hands in this photo. He was just so calm and enjoy his classical music in his swing.
Friday for lunch Jenny and I decided to take Jake out for a walk. We stopped by the Museum of Fine Arts for a little bottle break! I love this spot. I took everyone here when they came to visit me when I lived out there. It's so pretty and literally down the street from where Jenny lives. She is so lucky!!
After our walk Jake was very alert and awake. I was trying to get him to smile but he didn't want to cooperate but then again he is only three weeks.
Jake loves his Mommy!!!
I thought I was getting a smile but he was drifting off to sleep. Good night Jake!! See you in a few hours.
Mommy and Jake were both tired after our walk so they both took a little a nap!! So cute!! Since this was my last night with baby Jake I took him from his Mom (she didn't want to share but she did) and I got some quality bonding time in with him. He was so cute and just wanted to cuddle up with me. I loved it!!
It was getting late so I gave him back to his Mom and it was off to bed for all of us. I had a great visit!!! Even thought it was a quick trip I had a lot of fun just hanging out with the Goines Family! I can't wait to go back!!
Jake don't grow up too fast!!! I miss you already!!!
More to come


poo head said...

What a cute baby! He looks pretty peaceful in all those pics! What about the nighttime crying fit photos? NO pics of those? LOL

P.S. I am just assuming he had a couple of those, but maybe not??

LB said...

He did have those fits but he was in the room with his parents and I thought it would be a little much if I went in to photograph the moment!!

He can cry for sure but it's really only when he is hungry!

Stephanie said...

So cute and little!! Kind of makes me miss those days but then I see my 10 year old who can pretty much do everything for himself and I realize I don't miss it too much!