Thursday, April 1, 2010

Time to SKI!!!!

***Disclaimer-this activity took place back in February but I suck and never updated my blog so I apologize that a few enteries will be out of order***

I had never been skiing before so I was really excited to try it out.  I was a little worried though because I'm not exactly in the best shape ever so I figured this might be more work then fun.  However, I was going to make the best of it and do my personal best!! 

After we got all registered and our lift ticket purchased we went to get our equipment.  Now I was starting to feel like a real skier!! 

Once we were all geared up we went off to get ready for our lesson which came with our lift ticket. 

Group photo just in case we aren't all smiling after we hit the slopes!!!  Oh, please notice the blue ski in the background and all the sun that was shining!!
Alyssa (the experienced skier) decided to do a few runs down the bunny hill before we got started. 
When she got back I asked if she thought I could do it too??  She said 'of course."  Boy was she wrong.  I barely went up the hill maybe six feet and when I tried to turn my feet to go down the hill I fell immediately and couldn't get back up.  Oh, crap what did I just get myself into??? 

After several attempts of pulling, turning, and lifting (thanks for trying Courtney and Alyssa) I decided to just take off my ski and get my big ass up off the ground.  Yeah, this was a perfect start to my attempt at skiing. 

Now it was time for the lesson.   Don't we look excited??  : )
For identification purposes Alyssa is in the ASU hat.  I'm in the black and white striped hat and Courtney/Kenny is in the black and white coat with the hood so you can't see her face! 

First lesson....the pizza slice. You do the pizza slice when you need to slow down or stop.  Very important to know when you are flying down a hill!! 
There is Courtney!!  Great job!!

Perfect Alyssa!!  Way to pizza slice!!

My turn!!  Look I did it!!!  : )

After a few little lessons on the lower end of the bunny hill it was time to go to the top......
Also, this lift thing was very tricky and dangerous at times.  You have to move quickly and be steady when it comes time to get off otherwise you fall......which is exactly what happend to all three of us at one point.  Damn you ski lift!!! 

Once we all got to the top it was time to come down.  Dear Lord don't let me fall and wipe out some kid!!! 
After no major wipe outs we kept going back up and down until things got more comfotable for everyone.  I was actually surprise how easy it got after a few times but that doesn't mean I didn't fall quite a bit.  Needless to say I became an expert at popping off my own ski to get myself up.  : ) 

I did have one bad fall where I messed up my knee when I fell.  It wasn't anything major but it hurt pretty bad.  However, I sucked it up and kept skiing!! 

As the day progressed the weather began to change dramatically.  Remember that sunshine we saw earlier???  Where did it go??? 

After the lesson was over we took a little break to warm up and eat a little something. Thanks goodness!! 

Courtney looking excited to take a break!!
Once we were all rested we decided to get back out there and hit the slopes a few more times.  Now, while we were eating it started snowing really bad.  Like skiing was not challenging enough we have to add strong winds and zero visibility!! 

Here is Alyssa as she comes down the hill 
Courtney's turn 

Now me!!! 

Before Stacey went back inside to get warm we grabbed a quick group photo. Thanks snowflake for being in front of my face!!  Oh, and that is Alyssa in the bank robber mask!! 
After a few times up and down Alyssa and Courtney decided to go do the medium size mountain.  Due to my knee injury I thought it was a good idea for me to skip the mountain and stay on the bunny hill.  I went up and down a few more times on the bunny hill by myself and then I decided to call it a day.  I went back inside with Stacey and ate an Indian Fried Bread and drank a beer!!  I was a happy girl!!  : )  

Alyssa and Courtney came back about an hour later and they were just so excited.  They had skied the mountain twice and really rocked it the 2nd time!!  It was cute I saw them as they came down the mountain and they high fived each other at the end.  Too bad I didn't get a photo but look at them here grinning ear to ear!!  Good job girls!! 
We all had a lot of fun skiing and even with all the falling I can't wait to do it again!! Before we could leave the ski area we had to get one more group photo. 
After this it was off to the car to head to the sledding area so pregger could have a little fun too......

Wait I can't forget our must have self-taken photo!!! 

More to come

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Aww, our trip! It was the best ever I swear. The pics are fun! I love our self taken one at the end. Can I get a print of that? Please?